Open my eyes that I may see

Open my eyes that I may see
Glimpses of truth Thou hast for me;
Place in my hands the wonderful key
That shall unclasp and set me free.
  Silently now I wait for Thee,
Ready, my God, Thy will to see;
Open my eyes, illumine me,
    Spirit Divine!
Open my ears that I may hear
Voices of truth Thou sendest clear;
And while the wave notes fall on my ear,
Everything false will disappear.
Open my mouth and let me bear
Tidings of mercy everywhere;
Open my heart and let me prepare
Love with Thy children thus to share.
Open my mind that I may read
More of Thy love in word and deed;
What shall I fear while yet Thou dost lead?
Only for light from Thee I plead.

United States

I love this song it’s amazing

Phil Austin

Cary, NC, United States

Thank you for this resource, a reminder for those of us who were blessed enough to have grown up with these hymns, and an introduction to these wellsprings of doctrine and encouragement to those who have not yet heard. God bless your ministry.

Andrew A Johnson

Beaverton, OR, United States

Starting the new year with a renewed commitment to time alone with our Creator. Desiring to be closer to Him and love the things and people He loves...

Open my eyes, Lord..

Silently now I wait for Thee,

Ready, my God, Thy will to see;

Open my eyes, illumine me,

Spirit Divine!


Dixon, CA, United States

The daily Bible verse delivered to my inbox began with the opening words to this beautiful old hymn... from Psalm 119:18. Immediately, the tune flooded my mind, as did all the fond memories of singing it in church from childhood onward. I wonder if those words return so readily because they are founded in the Scriptures and God's Word is eternal (Matthew 24:35)?

D. Baker

United States

I'm an old guy now/the chips are down/things seem to be hanging loosely by a thread but O' what a remnant of thread it is!

Woke up early this am with this melody on my mind.

It was so refreshing/took me back to days gone by/& of first hearing it sung standing beside my Mother in a church deep in the south.

It was there as a child I first saw the light/Fast forward today Spirit Divine awoke me soul from the first restful nights sleep I've had in years

seemingly whispered "where have you been?

1 Cor 15 The Risen Christ, Faith's Reality!

ditto:TY for posting "Open My Eyes That I May See!

Indeed Acts 17:3 God calls "all" people to repent/Come home

Mette Bohart

Devizes, Wiltshire, United Kingdom

I had the words “open my eyes and let me see” pop into my mind this morning, I googled them and this beautiful hymn appeared. Looking at the comments, this is happening all around. Thank you to whoever put them on here.

Clara Green

Patterson, California, United States

I got a letter in the mail giving me an opportunity to order Inspirational Greeting Cards and this song was on the back of the card that was enclosed.

I thank God for that, because, in looking for the music to the lyrics I found this website.

Thank you for being here.


Bauchi, Nigeria

I was just meditating on this hymn 'With Signs Following' and this hymn kept ringing in my heart.


Caldwell, Texas, United States

Preparing the Sunday School lesson for this week on 2 Kings 2-6, this song came to my mind. The prophet Elisha prayed to Heavenly Father to open the eyes of his servant who was fearful when he saw the Syrian chariots and horses surrounding their city. Elisha had told him "They that be with us are more than they that be with them." And the eyes of the servant were opened. I am grateful for the blessings I received as I heard and reviewed the words of this hymn from my childhood and I am reminded to open my eyes, ears, mouth and mind to the Holy Ghost to be guided for the Lord's work.


Mineral Wells, WV, United States

I was reading a devotion this morning, “You Will Have Power” by Max Lucado, from his new book Unshakable Hope. The focus was on the power of the Holy Spirit that is promised. ““You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you” (Acts 1:8). As I pondered the power of the Holy Spirit working in and through my life, the words of this hymn came to mind. How thankful I am for the old hymns and their scripture-centered messages!