Fresh as the dew of the morning

B398 C520 CB708 E708 G708 K520 LSM220 P332 R479 T708
Fresh as the dew of the morning,
  Bringing a sweet rest unheard,
Christ, in the gentle anointing,
  Whispers His comforting word:
Stand till the trial is over,
  Stand till the tempest is gone,
Stand for the glory of Jesus,
  Stand till the kingdom is won.
Lord of all hope,
O how sweet is Thy voice,
Making my heart
In Thy presence rejoice.
If in the test of my trouble,
  Faint be my spirit and heart,
Faith, with the star of hope glimm’ring,
  Shall all be taken apart,
May then Thy faith with Thy life-pow’r
  Over me hold its full sway
That all Thy riches of glory
  Now I may share and for aye.
Lord, as the morning sun dawning,
  Chase all my darkness away,
And with Thy kind wings of healing
  Turn all my night into day.
Come Thou, O come, Lord of comfort,
  Come to my sad, weary heart,
Come, O Thou blest hope of glory,
  Never, O never depart.

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.


Anaheim, CA, United States

Lord, as the morning star dawning, chase all my darkness away.

Lord of all hope, O how sweet is Thy voice

Making my heart in Thy presence rejoice

O Lord, You are so real and enjoyable. You truly are the Lord of all hope

Thank You Lord, praise You Lord, love You Lord!


Texas, United States

Yes I agree please translate in Spanish and Italian. It’s too rich to be left to so few languages. May the Lord give His anointing Spirit for all the translations involved in the nature of work for the release of hope , faith, the joy and love and light through the lyrics of the hymns that we so need to stand for His kingdom today.


Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico

Brothers, this beautiful hymn, please translate it into Spanish. And share


Los Angeles, California, United States

Lord, as the morning sun dawning,

Chase all my darkness away,

And with Thy kind wings of healing

Turn all my night into day.

李 菲 麗

NC, United States

What is so refreshing and touches me the most is "fresh as the dew of the morning". When the Israelites received their first fine,round flakes (manna),it was preceded by dew (Exodus 16:11-14)...And when the layer of dew lifted, there upon the surface of the wilderness were fine round flakes, fine as the frost on the earth... O Lord Jesus, what a surprise it must have been for the people who had gone to sleep the previous night murmuring, to get up and see their surroundings covered with a carpet of lovely, fresh dew. From the physical point of view, dew was perhaps necessary to moisten the dry desert soil so that when people picked up the fine, round flakes it would be free of dry soil particles adhering to it....."And when the dew fell on the camp at night, the manna would fall with it."(Numbers 11:9). The dew is so significant from God for His complaining people, that whatever happened, wherever they went, He would never leave them alone nor forsake them. His desire is to feed them, to supply them for the accomplishment of His be in the good land! Praise the Lord, this also applies to me!

Old Testament Recovery Version:

Steve Miller

Detroit, MI, United States

The word "stand till the trial is over, stand till the tempest is done" seems to have been the Lord's instant speaking to the hymn's author when he was in a time of severe trial, perhaps when he was imprisoned by the Japanese during WWII. These words encourage me that the trouble is only temporary, and that I need to continue to stand.

Verse 2 is a warning not to shrink back from faith at this time as in Hebrews 10:35-39 followed by a request for dependence on the Lord's faith and life. Trials should cause us to be more dependent upon the Lord's spirit and life (Psalm 22:11, 19), and not upon man.

Verse 3 is a request for the Lord's light. He does not pray for the trouble to go away, but for the Lord's faith, life and light. In time of trouble we need the Lord's enlightenment more than for the problem to be solved (Psalm 13).



Fresh when i first listen to this hymn. making my heart so full of joy, in Thy presence. taking The Lord as our hope and glory.