Safe in the arms of Jesus

B389 C501 CB679 D679 E679 G679 K501 T679
Safe in the arms of Jesus,
  Safe on His gentle breast,
There by His love o’ershaded,
  Sweetly my soul doth rest.
Hark! ’tis a song of heaven
  Borne in the sweetest voice,
Echoed by saints in spirit,
  Making my heart rejoice.
Safe in the arms of Jesus,
  Safe on His gentle breast,
There by His love o’ershaded,
    Sweetly my soul doth rest.
Safe in the arms of Jesus,
  Safe from corroding care,
Safe from the world’s temptations,
  Sin cannot harm me there.
Free from the blight of sorrow,
  Free from my doubts and fears;
Only a few more trials,
  Only a few more tears.
Jesus, my heart’s dear Refuge,
  Jesus has died for me;
Firm on the Rock of Ages
  Ever my trust shall be.
Here let me wait with patience,
  Wait till the night is o’er,
Wait till I see the morning
  Break on the golden shore.

Powder Springs, Georgia, United States

I was praying with my wife and worshipping The Lord as the air is filled with the pandemic shocks, suddenly this song burst through my mouth. I became completely at rest, because I realized The Holt Spirit thrust this song on us to know that The Lord Jesus has been in control and we need not fear. Later, I took time to review all words of the song. How glorious they are?


Ibadan, Oyo, Nigeria

In the midst of raging Corona virus, the Lord lay this song on my heart today. Great emphasis on stanza 3

" Wait till the night is o’er,

Wait till I see the morning".

Safe in the arms of Jesus.

Evangelist Jordan

Pittsburg, CA, United States

I was atheist, but JESUS saved me in 1972 according to John 16:24! After I'd been washed by reading Matthew, Mark, Luke and into John; I prayed "FATHER touch me, in the name of JESUS!" With that prayer, PAPA GOD sent HOLY GHOST down into my heart! GLORY! I woke up Christmas Morning BORN AGAIN! HALLELUJAH! Early today, HOLY GHOST was singing to me the first verse of this song, so I looked it up! Thank you! PRAISE GOD! JESUS is coming again SOON! AMEN!

Samuel Smoch

Nnewi, Anambra, Nigeria

Heard this hymns in one of the Mary McKee's albums in 1989 after given my life to Christ. It is inspiring and an encouraging.


Nairobi, Kenya

This song comforted me, my late brother Moses and my now remaining 11 siblings when tragedy struck us thrice, first my son Ben got crashed in a road accident only at the age of seven, 5 years later my mum died of a rheumatic heart failure, only for my dad to get a cardiac arrest due to the loss and in two weeks we had become orphans!!! The words, "safe in the arms of Jesus' have become our testimony. May God bless Fanny Crosby till the resurrection morning when all tears will be gone and no more death will bite us (Rev 21:4)


I believe this was written after her 4 year old daughter drowned.

Jason Ward

Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand

I am guessing Fanny Crosby didn't have in mind a loved one being in heaven, though some parts of the song lend to that. The fact is we can all be safe in the arms of Jesus here on earth. Any place anywhere. Completely surrendered to Him.

Hope Ohiarah

Austell, GA, United States

Great writer; of blessed memory, great lyrics, great message in these earth's final moments. So soothing and full of hopeful words, words of comfort and encouragement. A glimpse of what manner of glorious, heart lifting songs we will sing together. I feel blessed.

Hugh West

Midland, Ontario, Canada

Woke up early this morning with the words "Safe in the arms of Jesus, safe on His gentle breast..." Our dear 3 mth old grandson, Lincoln West went to be with the Lord on Monday Jan 22, 2018.

SIDS was the cause of death. A shock to my son and his wife but they have accepted that it was God's will. He is safe from the world's temptations, sin cannot harm him there. Free from the blight of sorrow, free from doubts and fear. Lincoln is safe with our soon coming Lord and Saviour. We'll all be with the Lord soon (1 Thess 4:13-18) all who know Him as Saviour. Blessed be His Name, Lord Jesus Christ.

Ross Hall

Copacabana, NSW, Australia

As my 6 year old granddaughter has only days to live due to a brain tumour this hymn is a wonderful encouragement reminding us that we are all safe in the arms of Jesus no matter what difficulties or trials we are facing.

Do not consider this as a hymn used during a funeral. Do not wait until you die to enjoy the arms of Jesus when you can enjoy them today. The hymns we sing in the home meetings need not be fully in line with the fellowship in the meeting. Do not be legal. The hymns we select depend fully on whether we have the Spirit or not. If in your daily life you let the Lord make home in you, and if you are being transformed into His image by beholding His glory with unveiled face, then He will lead you. You will sense the nourishing and comforting within. The Lord may give you a hymn. Then you come to the meeting. You may be the first one in the meeting, but you do not need to wait for others. You just begin to sing, "Safe in the arms of Jesus...." As you sing you bring the spiritual atmosphere into the meeting. Those who come later will join the singing and the meeting will begin spontaneously.