Thou sweet, beloved will of God

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Thou sweet, beloved will of God,
  My anchor ground, my fortress hill,
My spirit’s silent, fair abode,
  In Thee I hide me and am still.
O Will, that willest good alone,
  Lead Thou the way, Thou guidest best;
A little child, I follow on,
  And, trusting, lean upon Thy breast.
God’s will doth make the bitter sweet,
  And all is well when it is done;
Unless His will doth hallow it,
  The glory of all joy is gone.
Thy beautiful sweet will, my God,
  Holds fast in its sublime embrace
My captive will, a gladsome bird,
  Prisoned in such a realm of grace.
Within this place of certain good
  Love evermore expands her wings,
Or nestling in Thy perfect choice,
  Abides content with what it brings.
Oh, lightest burden, sweetest yoke;
  It lifts, it bears my happy soul,
It giveth wings to this poor heart;
  My freedom is Thy grand control.
Upon God’s will I lay me down,
  As child upon its mother’s breast;
No silken couch, nor softest bed,
  Could ever give me such deep rest.
Thy wonderful grand will, my God,
  With triumph now I make it mine;
And faith shall cry a joyous Yes
  To every dear command of Thine.

Luanda, Angola


Nelson K

Norwich, United Kingdom

"Thou sweet, beloved will of God,

My anchor ground, my fortress hill,

My spirit’s silent, fair abode..."

Jeanette Keating

Salem, OR, United States

Thank you, Anna for sharing that wonderful history! I was enjoying “Jesus I am resting resting” by Jean P. And it referenced this hymn as one of “hers”. So glad to have yet another hymn and story of one of our brothers in God’s family !

Ana Lara

Tolland, Connecticut, United States

My reference for Gerhardt Tersteegen comes from

Ana Lara

Tolland, Connecticut, United States

Gerhardt Tersteegen was one of two most famous 18C German hymns writers. He was born November 25, 1697 and died April 3, 1769.

His father abandoned his mother when he was only a child so he grew up in poverty. He wanted to study theology but could no afford to pay for his education so he went into commerce instead.

He preferred the solitary life so he gave up the life of commerce and became a weaver of ribbons. At home he studied in a cloister like environment reading theological books. He became an outstanding lay theologian, lay pastor and mystic of the Protestant Pietism Movement. From 1728, he was an intinerant preacher in the Protestant Awakening Movement hosting home worship and prayer. In 1729, he edited his famous book "Spiritual Flower Garden for Ardent Souls" a collection of hymns, spiritual songs and epigrams.

Piano Hymns