O God, our help in ages past

B364 C9607 E607
O God, our help in ages past,
  Our hope for years to come,
Our shelter from the stormy blast,
  And our eternal home.
Under the shadow of Thy throne
  Thy saints have dwelt secure;
Sufficient is Thine arm alone,
  And our defence is sure.
Before the hills in order stood,
  Or earth received her frame,
From everlasting Thou art God,
  To endless years the same.
A thousand ages in Thy sight
  Are like an evening gone;
Short as the watch that ends the night
  Before the rising sun.
Time, like an ever-rolling stream,
  Bears all its sons away;
They fly forgotten, as a dream
  Dies at the opening day.
O God, our help in ages past,
  Our hope for years to come,
Be Thou our guard while life shall last,
  And our eternal home.
Flavia Kyomukama

Kampala, Uganda

I feel refreshed each time I hear or song. Positive thoughts to anonymous in Miami.

May agid continue to keep us and protect us. We exalt and exult the Lord

Esther Rebecca

Kampala, Uganda


Without God we are nothing.

He has been our help for ages

Past and our hope for years to come.

Amen and Amen 🙏

Rose A.

Murphy, Texas, United States

“O God, our help in ages past,

Our hope for years to come,

Our shelter from the stormy blast,

And our eternal home”.

Hope is a Person! Our God, who is Hope, is greater than any event. He can never be taken away.

Hope in God is the backbone- the support- of our faith!

Lord, keep us encouraged in You! Amen.

Costa Mrema

Dar Es Salam, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

Great song of all the time. Indeed our unchanging, self sufficient, self providing God is our help throughout generations of mankind that comes and goes until the time he will gather all his elect to His eternal home.


A beautiful song for this special period

Kingsley Okeke

Molepolole, Kweneng District, Botswana

I appreciate you for this hymn, I am really blessed. Remain blessed


Lagos, Surulere, Nigeria

God my everlasting help.

This song reassures me about the faithfulness of God to see me through my sojourn in life.

Eleazar Chalasani

Hyderabad, Telangana, India

Praise and thank God for this meaningful timeless melody

Joel Ezeugo

Abuja, FCT, Nigeria

This is a thought spirit-induced song that edify the soul and keep hope alive. It is good to take out time sometimes to reflect on such sacred songs that enlightens the soul.

Dominic Umoru

Abuja, Nigeria

Immortal song!

The memory of Hymn makers is eternally blessed.