We praise Thee, glorious Father

B36 C32 CB36 E36 G36 P26 R30 S24 T36
We praise Thee, glorious Father,
  As objects of Thy grace,
Who for Thine own heart’s pleasure
  Are now before Thy face:
Thy sons marked out for glory
  Known from eternity
With Christ Thy Well-beloved,
  Object supreme to Thee.
Who else but Thee, O Father,
  Could in Thine only Son
So bless us with Thy Spirit,
  And have us for Thine own?
Soon shall we be forever
  With Christ in glory; then
We’ll shine in His blest image
  Eternally, Amen!
Ana Lara

Storrs, Connecticut, United States

The writer for the music of this hymn was Henry Thomas Smart. He was born October 26, 1813, London England and died July 6, 1879, London England. He was buried in Hempstead Cemetery, London.

Henry was the son of conductor and organist Sir John Thomas Smart (1776–1867). He studied music with his father and W. H. Kearns. He declined a commission in the Indian army and had planned to work in law but gave it for up for a musical career.

He played the organ at Blackburn Parish Church, Lancashire (1831-1836); St. Giles Cripplegate (1836-38); Saint Philips Regent Street (1838-39); St. Luke’s Old Street (1844–64); and St. Pancras Church (1865–79).

He went blind in 1864, but continued to compose. He was the music editor for “Psalms and Hymns for Divine Worship” (1867), the “Presbyterian Hymnal” (1875) and the hymn book of the United Presbyterian Church of Scotland.

Smart was a recognized authority on organs. He drew up specifications for many of the instruments, including those in the City Hall in Saint Andrews Hall in Glasgow, Scotland and Town Hall in Leeds.

(hymntime. com)


United States

We’ll shine in His blest image

Eternally, Amen! ♡♡

Jason Ramirez Gutierrez

Bakersfield, California, United States

No one gets to the Father except through you Lord Christ Jesus, we are son's marked out For your Glory known from eternity, with Christ by well beloved object supreme today, object supreme to Thee, with Christ in glory; then will shine in his blessed image eternally amen. HALLELUJAH!!! Awesome amazing and wonderful is Christ our Lord.

Ikbal Andrian Malau

Hualien, Taiwan

Oh Our Lovely Father, how big Your love for us, we thank You for gaining us as Your Son through Your Begotten Son. Praise The Lord in the lofty throne.


London, United Kingdom

We praise You Father. Amen.

Nancy Smithers

Katy, Texas, United States

We love You Father!



Allen, Texas, United States

Amen Lord Jesus.


Koube, Japan

We praise Thee, glorious Father, As objects of Thy grace, Who for Thine own heart's pleasure. Are now before Thy face. Thanks my Father.

Jaden Montelopez

Millbeed, CA, United States

We praise Thee glorious Father!

Josephine Jimbo

Taipei, Taiwan

Thank You glorious Father for Your heart's pleasure to gain us as Your many sons. We, together with Your Dear Son, praise You for eternity.

Stanzas 2 and 3 have been added:

2. For holiness Thou chose us,

Ere earth was set in space,

Predestined us Thy glorious

Inheritance in grace;

Thou marked us out beforehand,

Chose us for sonship's sake;

Our full predestined portion,

When full-grown, we'll partake.

3. As Thou predestinated,

Thou called us to be graced;

Thy life divine imparted,

Our every sin erased.

Our pledge and seal's the Spirit,

Supplying boundlessly;

Thine ever, we inherit

Thy wealth eternally.

Piano Hymns