God the Almighty, Uncreated Life

C271 E351 K271 T351
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God the Almighty, Uncreated Life,
List to my cry as I lie in the dust,
Fathomless glory all about Thee is;
Life Giver, my Creator, know Thee I must.
Oh, by the Cross, the passion of Thy Christ,
Oh, by the death of my Lord crucified,
From pow’r of darkness translate me today
Into the kingdom of Thy light to abide.
Fill from the center with Thine utmost filling,
Fill to circumf’rence, fill right to the brim;
Blaze forth, the light, the glory of Thy being
About and ’round me to the uttermost rim.
Life Uncreated, Thou most holy God,
Life-giving Spirit, oh, create in me
Something that speaks of Thee and of Thy glory,
Something compelling that will draw to Thee.
Father, I thank Thee that my quest is ended.
I reign in life with Christ upon the throne
How satisfied to triumph now in Him,
The Cross the touchstone that makes me His own.
Karen A Casey

Everson, WA, United States

Fathomless glory all about thee is!


Pasadena, CA

This is my prayer today:

"Life-giving Spirit, oh, create in me

Something that speaks of Thee and of Thy glory,

Something compelling that will draw to Thee."