Once I was bound by sin’s galling fetters

B182 C246 CB310 E310 F61 G310 K246 LSM73 P173 R237 S153 T310
Once I was bound by sin’s galling fetters,
Chained like a slave I struggled in vain;
But I received a glorious freedom,
When Jesus broke my fetters in twain.
Glorious freedom, wonderful freedom,
No more in chains of sin I repine!
Jesus the glorious Emancipator,
  Now and forever He shall be mine.
Freedom from all the carnal affections,
Freedom from envy, hatred and strife;
Freedom from vain and worldly ambitions.
Freedom from all that saddened my life.
Freedom from pride and all sinful follies,
Freedom from love and glitter of gold;
Freedom from evil temper and anger,
Glorious freedom, rapture untold.
Freedom from fear with all of its torments,
Freedom from care with all of its pain;
Freedom in Christ my blessed Redeemer,
He who has rent my fetters in twain.
Dali Mwagore

Nairobi, Kenya

Bound for 50 years by sin and her children. Thank you Jesus Christ for setting me free.

Amos Kimani

Naivasha, Nakuru, Kenya

Thanks Precious Jesus for the glorious and wonderful freedom. We suffered a lot under Satan but now we been freedom


Gainesville, FL, United States

Galatians 5:1 “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free”

Through the freedom Christ gives, we’re set free from death, our natural mind, and sin! Praise the Lord, Christ has set us free so we can set our mind on Him who is our life, peace, and freedom!

Omar Gonzales

San Marcos, Texas, United States

é libertad tan maravillosa! Não por pecado afligido estoy! Para si mesmo, ser glorioso, Jesus glorioso Emancipador

Que liberdade maravilhosa! Não mais pecado para mim! Cristo, libertador glorioso, Hoje e sempre, meu há de ser

A Brother

San Marcos, Texas, United States

Once I was bound by sin's galling fetters....

But now the Glorious Emancipator has delivered the real Emancipation Proclamation freeing from all toil, anxiety and sin and transferring us from the authority of Satan to God! Hallelujah! What a wonderful freedom!

Sister Sue

Calgary, AB, Canada

What a freedom! Thank You, Lord!

Sabrina Dueck

Winnipeg, MB, Canada

Praise the Lord, the Jubilee is the true emancipation declaration!

Jared Huang

Austin, Texas, United States

In Christ, we have freedom from everything! We are no longer slaves. Now and forever He shall be mine!

Kayode Omotayo

Ado Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria

What a great, highly inspirational and greatly soul uplifting song!


Houston, TX, United States

O Glorious freedom,

wonderful freedom

O Lord Jesus

We need to see this truth clearly. Other than Jesus Christ, no one in heaven or on earth can accomplish such a complete salvation. On the negative side, He is the Lamb who redeems us and takes away our sinful deeds; on the positive side, He is also the dove who imparts God's life into us and solves the problem of our sinful nature. If we continually draw near to God, look to Him, pray to Him, and live according to His life in us, we will enjoy the full salvation of the Lamb and the dove. Then we will be able to declare, "Glorious freedom, wonderful freedom, / No more in chains of sin I repine! / Jesus the glorious Emancipator, / Now and forever He shall be mine, (Hymns, #310, chorus).

The Lord Jesus died on the cross for you, bearing your sins. Furthermore, He became the Spirit to enter into You to be your life and live in you. Your life is weak, and your nature is corrupt. Without the Lord entering into you, You may be able to act in a good way for a short time, but You will not be able to do this continually. You may be able to endure for three minutes, but You cannot endure for three days, because your life is corrupt. Hence, You truly need the Lord Jesus to solve your problem of sin and death.

Your problem of sin is solved by the death of the Lord Jesus on the cross; your problem of death is solved by the Lord Jesus entering into You to be your life and to live in you. He died for You to deal with your problem of sin, and He can live in You to solve your problem of death. As a sinner, You need the Lord Jesus to die for you, and as a weak and dead person, You need the Lord Jesus to live in you. His death deals with your sin, and His life deals with your death. He is such a Savior; He died for you, and He wants to live in you. He is a wonderful Savior. He not only died on the cross to deal with your sins; He also desires to enter into You to live in you. This will release You from death to be a person who is strong, full of life and power, and able to please God. Hymns, #310 speaks of this reality, saying, "Glorious freedom, wonderful freedom, / No more in chains of sin I repine! / Jesus the glorious Emancipator, / Now and forever He shall be mine."

Eighth, the content of the meetings must be living. The greatest lack among us is that when we read messages, we are very rigid and not at all living. When we read, at any time we should add prayer and the singing of hymns. We can also give testimonies, share our feelings, or fellowship some light at any time. We should not read on and on until people begin to nod off. If we use the way of fellowship, then we will be free and living. For example, when we read about being released, we can sing the hymn "Glorious freedom, wonderful freedom!" (Hymns, #310). In this way, the home meetings will be living and enlivening. Everyone will have such a good taste that they will look forward to the next meeting.

Piano Hymns