O Jesus, Jesus, dearest Lord!
Forgive me if I say,
For very love, Thy sacred name
A thousand times a day.
O Jesus, Lord, with me abide;
I rest in Thee, whate’er betide;
Thy gracious smile is my reward;
I love, I love Thee, Lord!
I love Thee so I know not how
My transports to control;
Thy love is like a burning fire
Within my very soul.
O Jesus, Lord, with me abide;
I rest in Thee, whate’er betide;
Thy gracious smile is my reward;
I love, I love Thee, Lord!
For Thou to me art all in all;
My honor and my wealth;
My heart’s desire, my body’s strength,
My soul’s eternal health.
O Jesus, Lord, with me abide;
I rest in Thee, whate’er betide;
Thy gracious smile is my reward;
I love, I love Thee, Lord!
Burn, burn, O love, within my heart,
Burn fiercely night and day,
Till all the dross of earthly loves
Is burned, and burned away.
O Jesus, Lord, with me abide;
I rest in Thee, whate’er betide;
Thy gracious smile is my reward;
I love, I love Thee, Lord!
O light in darkness, joy in grief,
O heaven’s life on earth;
Jesus, my love, my treasure, who
Can tell what Thou art worth?
O Jesus, Lord, with me abide;
I rest in Thee, whate’er betide;
Thy gracious smile is my reward;
I love, I love Thee, Lord!
What limit is there to this love?
Thy flight, where wilt Thou stay?
On, on! our Lord is sweeter far
Today than yesterday.
O Jesus, Lord, with me abide;
I rest in Thee, whate’er betide;
Thy gracious smile is my reward;
I love, I love Thee, Lord!
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Kampala, Uganda
O Jesus, Jesus, dearest Lord! I desire to say Your name a thousand times a day! Cause me to love You. May my calling Your name a thousand times be out of love not a performance or duty. Jesus Lord, I love You. The gracious smile, Your smile that is gracious is my reward, I love, I love You Lord.
Butler, Pennsylvania, United States
Hi again! I just wanted to thank you all, through the Love and Peace of our Holy Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. I just typed in an exclamation to our Lord, and this joyous site popped up again. Thank you for making this available to all who cry out, sing out, shout out to our Loving God. God keep you all. You don't have to post this, just wanted to share God's Love with you all.
Merced, California, United States
JESUS, You are my mover and shaker; my beginning and my end. You keepeth me and maketh me and my family to lie in green pastures, You never allow us to be ashamed. For all this and for who You are I worship You now and forevermore. I don't know about the world, but as for me and my household, we will forever worship and praise You.
Zamboanga City, Philippines
Lord Jesus, forgive me if I say, For very love Thy sacred Name a Thousand times a day.
Perak, Malaysia
O Lord Jesus! I can rest in Thee whatever betide. Thou art everything to me. Without Thee life is so meaningless. Thank You Lord for Your sufficient grace.
IL, United States
O Lord Jesus! O Lord Jesus! O Lord Jesus!