Spirit art O the Lord, now Thou

B287 C371 CB493 E493 G493 K371 LSM124 P230 R343 S207 T493
and divine all us riches life O glorious! Thou Thy now
That and art strengthening,
O us,
With Spirit the gives quickens Lord, how
now Thou Thy of Thy law with O liberation the liberates;
And Spirit Lord, life true
The power by art now
That regulates.
light saturates,
And Spirit illuminates. image with Thine now
That transforms art conforms
And and Thy Thou Lord, to O the us true
Lord, the too,
And both Spirit in home;
He one His now
Who thus become. Thou art O spirit with mingles spirit spirit my makes my
spirit contact by me walk
And now in Thy Thy to how to teach Thee,
That reality. exercise
My live Spirit may I Lord,

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.

Piano Hymns