All hail the pow’r of Jesus’ name (Short)

D137 E137 P68 S70
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All hail the pow’r of Jesus’ name!
  Before Him prostrate fall;
With one accord His praise proclaim,
  And crown Him Lord of all!
Ye saints redeemed from Adam’s race,
  Ye ransomed from the fall,
Hail Him who saves you by His grace,
  And crown Him Lord of all.
Tell forth the only Name that’s giv’n
  On which we now may call,
The Name adored by hosts in heav’n,
  And crown Him Lord of all.
In glory all the ransomed throng
  Soon at His feet shall fall;
Join in the blest eternal song,
  And crown Him Lord of all.
(Repeat the last two lines of each stanza)

Maineville, OH, United States

Thank you for posting this! It’s so great to be able to sing along. God bless you!

Ana Lara

Storrs, Connecticut, United States

This hymn of praise appears to have been written about the middle of the eighteenth century. Its author, Reverend Edward Perronet the son of Reverend Vincent Perronet, Vicar of Shoreham, England was a man of great faith and humility but zealous in his convictions, sometimes to his own demise. He was born in 1726, and, though 18 years younger than Charles Wesley, the two became good friends, and it was under the direction of the Wesleys that Perronet became a preacher in the evangelical movement. Lady Huntington later became his patroness, but some needless and imprudent expressions in the poem, “The Mitre, ” revealing his hostility to the union of the church and state cost him her favor, and his contention against John Wesley‘s law that none but the regular parish ministers have the right to administer the sacraments, led to his complete separation from both the Wesleys. He subsequently became the pastor of a small church of dissenters in Canterbury, where he died, in January, 1792. His piety revealed itself when near his death, his last words were a Gloria.

The tune, now called “Old Coronation” is well over 200 years old. It was composed in the very year of Perronet’s death and one wonders just how long the hymn and tune waited before they came together. An earlier English melody called “Miles Lane, ” was composed during Perronet’s lifetime by William Shrubsole and published with the words in 1780 in the Gospel Magazine. There’s also a fine processional tune sung in the English Church to Perronet’s hymn.

The author of “Coronation” was Oliver Holden, a self-taught musician, born in Shirley, Massachusetts, 1765, trained to be a carpenter. The little pipe organ on which tradition says he struck the first notes of the famous tune is now in the historical rooms of the Old State House, Boston, placed there by its late owner, Mrs. Fanny Tyler, the musician’s granddaughter.

Holden wrote a number of other hymn tunes among which “Cowper, ” “Confidence, ” and “Concord” are remembered but none of them had the success of “Coronation”. His first published collection was entitled “The American Harmony” and this was followed by “The Union Harmony” and the “Worcester Collection. ” He also wrote and published “Mount Vernon, ” and several other patriotic anthems, mainly for special occasions, to some of which he supplied the words. Even though he was not a hymnodist, he did now and then venture into sacred meter. The new Methodist Hymnal preserves a simple four-stanza example of his words in verse:

“They who seek the throne of grace

Find that throne in every place:

If we lead a life of prayer

God is present everywhere. ”

Holden loved sacred music until the last. He died in 1844.

“Such beautiful themes! ” he whispered on his deathbed, “such beautiful themes! But I can write no more. ”

“Coronation” dates from the time it first went abroad in America in its new music and words. This tune was a great favorite with the late Dr. Dwight of Yale College (1798). It was often sung by the college choir while he, catching, as it were, the music of the heavenly world, would join them, and lead with ardent devotion, ”

Collins N. Atiogbe


The LORD is great !

Steve Miller

Detroit, MI, United States

"I've heard this hymn called the most inspiring and triumphant hymn in the English language. I've heard it called simply the finest hymn. Personally, I have too many favorites to start passing out blue ribbons, but this certainly is one of the great ones. It's very melodic and you'll often hear it done by fine choirs. It's a hymn that hails the power of Jehovah: ... One realizes the power of God and shouts and sings about it, showing a fear of the Lord - not a fear in the sense of being frightened, but a realization that this power is here and there is none greater." - Tennessee Ernie Ford

Rev. Raul S. Nejudne

Hinunangan, Southern Leyte, Philippines

I praise God for this resources! It can really help small congregations that cannot afford to hire a pianist much more even to buy a piano or an electric organ. May God continue to bless this ministry.

Kenneth Obiecheton

Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria

It makes me feel good. It reminds me of the sovereignty of Jesus Christ.

Jen Yuri

This is the very nice song we heard since we are serving the Lord we love to sing this every moment in our daily living....... HALLELUJAH!

Piano Hymns