Ours is a fellowship in the gospel

Cs859 E1295 K1014 P436 S420 T1295
Ours is a fellowship in the gospel
  Since we received the Lord;
We’re for the furtherance of the gospel,
  Spreading to all His Word.
For its defense and strong confirmation
  We all partake of grace—
He who began this work will perfect it
  Till we shall see His face.
May all the things that come to us daily
  Unto the gospel turn,
That all may see we’re bound for the gospel
  And of the Lord may learn.
May we be bold and fearless in spirit,
  Speaking the Word of God,
Do it in love and do it in power,
  While living in the Lord.
Lord, we’re expecting that we’ll be given
  Boldness with every breath.
Christ must be magnified in our body
  Whether by life or death.
We hope in nothing to be ashamed,
  For us to live is Christ—
He is the Person in all our living,
  Our everything, our life.
May all our lives be worthy the gospel
  Whatever may betide,
All standing fast in oneness of spirit,
  All striving side by side.
Let us proclaim the gospel in fullness
  To satisfy the Lord:
Christ is the life, the church His expression,
  Sound everywhere abroad.

Budapest, Hungary

I learnt this hymn in 2019 @ the MAFTT in Anaheim. Singing with other trainees was a delight and enjoyment I remember how enthusiastic we all were as we sang to the Lord and with the Lord before we went out in the Gospel in our community. The lyrics to this hymn are so rich and an encouragement to Preach the Gospel no matter what. In season and out of season. May the Lord richly bless the Gospel through His saints to meet not only man's needs but ultimately His hearts desire, purpose and goal. Amen

Maurice Ward

Columbus, Ohio, United States

The saints in Philippi had fellowship unto the gospel, participating in the furtherance of the gospel through the apostle Paul's ministry.

This kind of fellowship, which kept them from individualistic and diversely minded, implies that they were one with the apostle Paul and with one another. This gave them the ground for their experience and enjoyment of Christ. The Christ-experiencing and -enjoying life is a life in furtherance of the gospel, a gospel-preaching life, not individualistic but corporate.


Fort Worth, Texas, United States

Praise the Lord! He who began this work will perfect it, till we shall see His face!! Oh saints! We have such hope in Him! No matter what our circumstances are He is our hope of glory!

Samuel Yu

Austin, TX, United States

May all the things that come to us daily

Unto the gospel turn,

That all may see we’re bound for the gospel

And of the Lord may learn.


Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

The gospel is not an individual matter. We need one another and we need the fellowship unto the furtherance of the gospel. John 15 tells us the vine tree has many branches, and all the branches bear fruit in a way of fellowship.