Splendid church life! His green garden!

CB1237 Cs712 D1237 E1237 F157 G1237 LSM251 P396 R607 S379 T1237
Splendid church life! His green garden!
He has brought us, praise the Lord,
To experience the Christ Who’s growing here!
He is full of rich enjoyment
To His saints in one accord;
He is new and fresh, available and dear.
I’m so happy in this lovely place,
In the garden growing in His grace!
There is no finer pleasure
Than to eat the living tree
And to get the living water into me.
It is not a school or fact’ry
Or a chapel in the air;
But a garden where our Lord can plant and sow.
So He’s placed us all here corporately
To be His garden fair,
Where He’s free to cultivate and make us grow.
Thus within the church-life garden
There’s a fruit-producing tree
Full of life and so available to eat.
So be simple, don’t be hardened,
Drop your concepts—eat that tree!
Take in Jesus every moment—He’s so sweet!
With the tree there is the water,
Flowing God in Christ to us,
Quenching all our dryness, ending all our strife.
Hallelujah! In His garden
Jesus flows Himself to us,
As the full supply for us to grow in life.
Aren’t you satisfied and thankful
That our Lord has brought you in
Where His pleasures and His riches flow so free?
So be happy and be joyful,
In the spirit feast on Him,
So God’s garden can bear fruit abundantly.
Gerome Antido

Badoc, Ilocos Norte, Philippines

Amen for this splendid Church Life!

Irene Camoredondo

Zamboanga Sibugay, Philippines

Amen. How blessed we are that we receive God's life.

Jeremiah Garcia

NY, United States

I really like stanza #2. It is not school nor factory nor a chapel in the air but a garden where our Lord can plant and sow!

Nelson Liu

Irvina, CA

Praise the Lord there is no finer pleasure than to eat the living tree!

Elvie Gabito Florida

Dumingag, Zamboanga Del Sur, Philippines

Amen! So blessed in this church life.

Jessbeth Gabito Florida

Dumingag, Zamboanga Del Sur, Philippines

Praise the Lord that we are in the church life! So splendid...so happy to be in the church life...a life of no regrets. Hallelujah for the splendid church life!

Patience Otoje

Lagos, Nigeria

I am in HIS garden growing in HIS Grace, there is no final pleasure than to eat of the living tree....

Gabby Gagno

Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines

O saints! Let us drink of Him as our living water! O make Him our finest pleasure! O I'm so happy that we are in this splendid Church Life!

Mary Jane Bulahan

Iloilo, Philippines

Lovely church we have indeed.


Butuan City, Agusan Del Norte, Philippines

Very refreshing....

First Corinthians 1:9 says that our faithful God has called us into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ. The word "fellowship" includes the thought of enjoyment. Sometimes people may celebrate something by having a party. For us to fellowship together is to have a "party." A party is a fellowship. The Christian meeting may be considered as a Christian party. Every meeting is a party to us. I am interpreting the word party in a very positive sense. A party is an enjoyment. If we are at a party, you will enjoy me and I will enjoy you. We will share our joy and feelings with one another. We are so happy when we are meeting with the saints because our meeting, in a positive sense, is a party.

In our hymnal, there is a hymn about the church life which begins, "I'm so happy in this lovely place" (#1237). It is hard to enjoy such a hymn by ourselves. If we were at home alone in our living room, it would be difficult to sing, "I'm so happy in the living room." But if you are in a small group meeting of ten to fifteen saints, you can declare—"I'm so happy!"—because you are having fellowship, a party. This party is not like the parties in the world with sinful and worldly things. It is a party of the Son, Jesus Christ. We are enjoying Him. We are happy with Him and happy because of Him. We are so happy because He is our joy. He is our enjoyment. Our fellowship, our enjoyment, our party, is to partake of, to participate in, the all-inclusive Christ. The faithful God has called us with a purpose. This purpose is that we may participate in His Son, Jesus Christ. This means that God has given us Christ and that He has called us into the enjoyment of Christ.

Piano Hymns