His Name is Wonderful

CB1085 Cs227 D1085 E1085 F16 G1085 K789 LSM14 R63
His Name is Wonderful;
His Name is Counselor;
His Name The Mighty God,
  Jesus my Lord.
A Child and Son is He;
Eternal Father He;
The Prince of Peace to me,
  Jesus my Lord.
Praise the Creator,
Jesus our Savior,
Life-giving Spirit now.
In spirit worship Him,
Love and adore Him;
His Name is Wonderful,
  Jesus my Lord.

United States

@Carl: That's how I remember it. I thought it didn't look right. Thanks for sharing.

Carol Cates

United States

Thanks Carl - this is the way I learned this song.


Bankstown, NSW, Australia

Thank you for posting the original lyrics, Carl. Very much appreciated.

(Webmaster: Please note that this song is still under copyright.)


Maine, United States

Sharing the the original lyrics from Audrey Mieir:

His Name is Wonderful,

His Name is Wonderful,

His Name is Wonderful,

Jesus my Lord.

He is the mighty King,

Master of everything,

His Name is Wonderful,

Jesus my Lord.

He's the Great Shepherd,

The Rock of all Ages,

Almighty God is He,

Bow down before Him,

Love and adore Him,

His Name is Wonderful,

Jesus my Lord.

Piano Hymns