Thou didst leave Thy throne and Thy kingly crown,
When Thou camest to earth for me;
But in Bethlehem’s home was there found no room
For Thy holy nativity:
When Thou camest to earth for me;
But in Bethlehem’s home was there found no room
For Thy holy nativity:
Oh, come to my heart, Lord Jesus!
There is room in my heart for Thee;
Oh, come to my heart, Lord Jesus, come,
There is room in my heart for Thee.
There is room in my heart for Thee;
Oh, come to my heart, Lord Jesus, come,
There is room in my heart for Thee.
Heaven’s arches rang when the angels sang,
Proclaiming Thy royal degree;
But of lowly birth cam’st Thou, Lord, on earth,
And in great humility:
Proclaiming Thy royal degree;
But of lowly birth cam’st Thou, Lord, on earth,
And in great humility:
The foxes found rest, and the birds had their nest
In the shade of the forest tree;
But Thy couch was the sod, O Thou Son of God,
In the deserts of Galilee:
In the shade of the forest tree;
But Thy couch was the sod, O Thou Son of God,
In the deserts of Galilee:
Thou camest, O Lord, with the living Word
That should set Thy people free;
But with mocking scorn, and with crown of thorn,
They bore Thee to Calvary:
That should set Thy people free;
But with mocking scorn, and with crown of thorn,
They bore Thee to Calvary:
Oh, come to my heart, Lord Jesus!
Thy cross is my only plea;
Oh, come to my heart, Lord Jesus, come,
Thy cross is my only plea.
Thy cross is my only plea;
Oh, come to my heart, Lord Jesus, come,
Thy cross is my only plea.
When heaven’s arches shall ring, and her choirs shall sing
At Thy coming to victory,
Let Thy voice call me up, saying, “Yet there is room,
There is room at My side for thee!”
At Thy coming to victory,
Let Thy voice call me up, saying, “Yet there is room,
There is room at My side for thee!”
And my heart shall rejoice, Lord Jesus!
When Thou comest and callest for me;
And my heart shall rejoice, Lord Jesus!
When Thou comest and callest for me.
When Thou comest and callest for me;
And my heart shall rejoice, Lord Jesus!
When Thou comest and callest for me.
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San Jose, CA, United States
There is always more room in our hearts! O’ Lord Jesus! Special thanks to Alan for sharing this song with us tonight in fellowship.
Detroit, Mi, United States
Emily Elliott had a special concern for those who were sick. She wrote many poems and hymn texts especially for the infirm, publishing 48 of them in a little book called "Under the Pillow". She may have been influenced by her aunt, Charlotte Elliott, who wrote "Just as I am". Charlotte was also a prolific poet and was sickly for much of her life.
This particular hymn was written for children, to teach them about Jesus' birth. It has a simple construction - each of the 1st 4 stanzas presents a contrast with the word "but". The chorus is a natural response to the predicament, something that even a child could understand.
The last stanza provides a stirring conclusion. The Lord, once rejected and displaced, will soon come in victory - and we should all be waiting. - Great Songs of Faith by Brown & Norton
Ooty, Tamil Nadu, India
Wonderful!!! Lord, come and live in my heart forever.