There is no love like the love of Jesus

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There is no love like the love of Jesus,
  Never to fade or fall,
Till into the rest of the house of God
  He has gathered us all.
Jesus’ love, precious love,
  Boundless, and pure, and free;
Oh, turn to that love, weary wand’ring soul;
    Jesus pleadeth for thee.
There is no heart like the heart of Jesus,
  Filled with a tender love;
No throb nor throe that our hearts can know;
  But He feels it above.
There is no eye like the eye of Jesus,
  Piercing so far away;
Ne’er out of the sight of its tender light
  Can the wanderer stray.
There is no voice like the voice of Jesus,
  Tender and sweet its chime;
Like musical ring of a flowing spring
  In the bright summertime.
Oh, let us hark to the voice of Jesus!
  Then we shall never roam;
And we shall rest on His loving breast,
  And with Him we’ll be one!
Jan Loggenberg.

Vereeniging, Geuteng, South Africa

I Belief in Jesus ..... Amen.


Jesus pleads for You!


Gaborone, Southern Africa, Botswana

This song moves my heart, we sung it with friends while still new in faith. Indeed there is no love like Jesus love. While we were sinners He died for us Amen!

Steve Miller

Detroit, MI, United States

William Edensor Littlewood was born in London and graduated from Cambridge. He was a vicar in St. James, Bath, England. He published this hymn in his book, "A Garland from the Parables" in 1857. He wrote books on the Bible and Christian life as well as secular books on history and geography of England: "The Essentials of English History", "Essentials of New Testament Study", "Bible Biographies", "An Elementary History of Britain", "England at Home, a Description of the Principal Features of England and Wales", "The Visitation of the Poor: A Manual".


The last line of the hymn originally says, "In the dear heavenly home."

Charles Benjamin

Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, India

i like this hymn very much and it brings tears to my eyes for the precious, boundless, pure love of Jesus for us. There is no love like the love of Jesus my Lord and Saviour. Thank you Littlewood & Perkins.

Mordicai Pedzi

Harare, Zimbabwe

Please can you sent me information about the author and the year this song was composed and also the story behind it.

Brenda Victoria Northeast

Adelaide, Australia

Thank you : )