Why should I worry, doubt and fear

C235 CB1003 E1003 F196 G1003 K235 LSM290 P443 R741 S466 T1003
Why should I worry, doubt and fear?
Has God not caused His Son to bear
  My sins upon the tree?
The debt that Christ for me has paid,
Would God another mind have made
  To claim again from me?
Redemption full the Lord has made,
And all my debts has fully paid,
  From law to set me free.
I fear not for the wrath of God,
For I’ve been sprinkled with His blood,
  It wholly covers me.
For me forgiveness He has gained,
And full acquittal was obtained,
  All debts of sin are paid;
God would not have His claim on two,
First on His Son, my Surety true,
  And then upon me laid.
So now I have full peace and rest,
My Savior Christ hath done the best
  And set me wholly free;
By His all-efficacious blood
I ne’er could be condemned by God,
  For He has died for me!
李 菲 麗

NC, United States

"The debt that Christ for me hast paid/Would God another mind have made/To claim again for me?/" Then why should I worry, doubt and fear? Even though "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" the believers are justified wholly by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus! Hallelujah! I should never worry, doubt and fear! I as a sinner, who is His enemy, has been reconciled to Him, made one with Him--whom I once was despised and rejected. Now I am enjoying a blessed oneness with Him through His redeeming grace!

Lily Karunik

Mariupol, Ukraine

So now I have full peace and rest,

My Savior Christ hath done the best

And set me wholly free!



Great hymn. Yes why should I worry, doubt and fear? Satan excuse you, Christ paid for me.

Allen Flint


I like this song because it is cool.

Now, can God take back this salvation which Christ has purchased? Absolutely not! Since the debt was paid, for God to demand it again from us would be unrighteous. The same righteousness which formerly called for our condemnation now calls for our justification. What powerful security this gives to our salvation! Even a worldly judge would not demand the same fine to be paid twice. Certainly God, the source of all justice and righteousness, cannot do so. As Watchman Nee wrote in a hymn:

For me forgiveness He has gained,

And full acquittal was obtained,

All debts of sin are paid;

God would not have His claim on two,

First on His Son, my Surety true,

And then upon me laid.

Thus, the Bible declares that when God saves us, He shows forth His righteousness (Rom. 1:16-17; 3:25-26).

...Without righteousness, faith has no basis. Thank God that our sins have been forgiven. Thank Him that He will never judge us anymore. As the hymn says:

God would not have His claim on two,

First on His Son, my Surety true,

And then upon me laid.

Our hearts are at rest, for our sins have been judged.

Piano Hymns