Recherche 4090
E8198 People in the world still see You Classique
People like to know Enfants
NS1027 Philemon Nouveaux  ;Chants
Plants, fish, birds, and animals and man Enfants
E1176 Pow'r exceeding great God did demonstrate Classique
E1175 Power, exceeding great pow'r is to us Classique
E8005 Praise Father, whence all blessings spring Classique
E1209 Praise God for tidings glad Classique
E8 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow Classique
E124 Praise Him! praise Him! Christ is Victor Classique
E8090 Praise and unceasing praise Classique
NS225 Praise the Lord! The God of glory Nouveaux  ;Chants
NS79 Praise the Lord, God sent His Son Nouveaux  ;Chants
E784 Pray to fellowship with Jesus Classique
E786 Pray to labor with the Lord Classique
E786b Pray to labor with the Lord (Alternate Tune) Classique
E783 Pray to touch the throne of God Classique
E762 Prayer is the incense of a holy heart Classique
E785 Praying to express the Lord Classique
NS508 Precious Nouveaux  ;Chants
E1004 Precious, precious blood of Jesus Classique
NS379 Preserve me, O God Nouveaux  ;Chants
E1205 Press on, press on toward the goal Classique
E730 Pressed out of measure, pressed beyond all length Classique
E425b Prince of peace, control my will (Alternate Tune) Classique