Recherche 964
E318 Precious Savior, Thou hast saved me Classique
NS213 Reading the Bible Nouveaux  ;Chants
E301 Redeemed—how I love to proclaim it Classique
E1315 Rejoice! Rejoice! Our Bridegroom's coming Classique
Remember your Creator while you are young Enfants
E1220 Remove the veils, Lord, from my heart Classique
E943 Requirements of the Kingdom are Classique
E902 Shine Thou upon us, Lord Classique
E348 Since Christ my soul from sin set free Classique
E959 Since Thy departure from Olivet's Mountain Classique
E151 Sing we the King who is coming to reign Classique
E1129 So great a salvation, ye saints of the Lord Classique
E1027 Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling Classique
E888 Soldiers of Christ, arise Classique
E706 Sometimes a light surprises Classique
E920 Sound ye the trumpet-call Classique
E1237 Splendid church life! His green garden! Classique
E874 Standing in the evil day Classique
E8463 Take the cross with joy, walk the narrow way Classique
E1109 Take, drink this cup, His blood Classique
NT406 Teach me Thy way, O Lord Nouvelles  ;Mélodies
E1228 The Bible is the Word of God Classique
NS243 The Church of God—we are the church Nouveaux  ;Chants
E822 The Church the lampstand is to Christ Classique
NS1011 The Greatest of These is Love Nouveaux  ;Chants