Recherche 43
NS337 Glory! Glory! Christ is life in me Nouveaux ;Chants
E1356 Glory! Glory! Christ is life indeed! Classique
E8512 I'm a pilgrim and a stranger Classique
Jesus loves the little children Enfants
E8710 Knocking, knocking, who is there? Classique
E948 Myst'ry hid from ages now revealed to me Classique
E539 O Lord, Thou art in me as life Classique
E8400 O Lord, Thou art in me as life (revised) Classique
E274 O Lord, we seek the power we need Classique
E16 Our Father, as the evergreen Classique
E1072 She only touched the hem of His garment (gospel) Classique
E760 She only touched the hem of His garment (healing) Classique
E956 Soon our Lord will come, the day is drawing nigh Classique
E8755 Soon our Lord will come, the day is drawing nigh (revised) Classique
C400 哦主你是生命之靈 Classic (詩歌)
C11 哦父你是常新的神 Classic (詩歌)
C512 我是一個異鄉旅客 Classic (詩歌)
C377 榮耀榮耀基督作生 Classic (詩歌)
C755 榮耀榮耀基督快再 Classic (詩歌)
C764 歷代隱藏奧祕 Classic (詩歌)
C225 謙卑俯伏我在此等 Classic (詩歌)
P481 Breve o Senhor Jesus irá voltar Classic (Portuguese)
F180 Dieu a révélé un grand mystère en moi Classic (French)
S433 El misterio oculto se me reveló Classic (Spanish)
F91 Gloire, gloire! Christ est notre vie Classic (French)