Recherche 714
E1054 Pass me not, O gentle Savior Classique
E940 Passing through another week Classique
E718 Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin Classique
E718b Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin (Alternate Tune) Classique
E124 Praise Him! praise Him! Christ is Victor Classique
E235 Praise Him! praise Him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer Classique
Praise Him, praise Him, all ye little children Enfants
E8090 Praise and unceasing praise Classique
E161 Praise the Savior, ye who know Him Classique
E63 Praise to the Holiest in the height Classique
E150 Praise, praise ye the name of our Savior and God Classique
E784 Pray to fellowship with Jesus Classique
E703 Precious promise God doth give thee Classique
E8509 Precious promise God doth give thee (revised) Classique
LB41 Pursue Him and know Him Nouveaux  ;Chants
E653 Rest, rest thee, weary heart Classique
E1058 Rock of Ages, cleft for me Classique
NT1058 Rock of Ages, cleft for me Nouvelles  ;Mélodies
E679 Safe in the arms of Jesus Classique
E130 See the Conqu'ror mount in triumph Classique
NS632 Separation Unto Reconciliation Nouveaux  ;Chants
E151 Sing we the King who is coming to reign Classique
E1027 Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling Classique
E648 Soldier, soldier, fighting in the world's great strife Classique
NS192 Some, these days, would tell us that our Jesus is not food Nouveaux  ;Chants