Chants qui ont été commentés récemment
What can wash away my sin
Hallelujah!!! Yes, nothing but makes perfect but the BLOOD OF MY LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST! I am RANSOMED, REDEEMED, HEALED…Amazing Grace Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Praise your name Lord Jesus 🙌🏽🙏🏽 I grew up in church my whole life…. This is the #1 song played during worship…Take my life, and let it be Consecration
We are so blessed to know this song through the book from Pst. Rick Warren on page 214 Better Together (what on earth are we here for? ):…For I'm persuaded to believe Scriptures for Singing
Praise the Lord that nothing cam separate us from this love!The Full Price The Church
"... And who will offer willingly, consecrating himself today to Jehovah?" (1 Chronicles 29:5) Lord, we just would like to…Once in sin I served, a slave Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Amen! And Amen!Standing on the promises of Christ my King Assurance and Joy of Salvation
The promised of God is a sure promised no doubt about it. God is faithful to me and my family. What God cannot do does not exist.
The Church
Oneness is impossible without the true oneness of the Triune God mingled with humanity.There shall be showers of blessing Fulness of the Spirit
Send the rain of Your Holy Spirit over Your Churches today as You promised. Let lives be changed and transformed. We pray for those who…My hope is built on nothing less Assurance and Joy of Salvation
On him alone I standI know not why God's wondrous grace Assurance and Joy of Salvation
The vale or valley refers to the valley of the shadow of death from Psalm 23. We don't know if we will have to do through death…Not what I am, O Lord, but what Thou art Comfort in Trials
So encouraging to see and enter into the fellowship saints throughout the centuries have experienced. “ ‘Tis what I know of Thee, my Lord…The Triune God and the Person Blessing of the Trinity
I’d LOVE a way to HEAR the hymns / songs!! I play ukulele, and would appreciate being able to sing, accompanying myself on my uk…According to Thy gracious word Praise of the Lord
".... when these failing lips go dumb, remember me, Lord Jesus! Let your love never depart from me!Jesus, my Lord, to Thee I cry Gospel
Lord do not leave me as I am
Just as I am
It's a hymn of reassurance, that each the sincere believer comes to the cross of Christ for cleaning, he is sure to find love and…Great is Thy faithfulness Worship of the Father
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah I can’t help but say Hallelujah for the Lord is faithful indeed. Reading your comments gives me me hope to…As the living Father has sent Me Scriptures for Singing
John 6:57 As the living Father has sent Me and I live because of the Father, so he who eats Me, he also shall live because of Me.…I'm pressing on the upward way Longings
May the Lord put me on higher ground 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏My only hope is the Lord Experience of Christ
John 21 Lord, You know all things. You know that I, like Peter, have a heart to love You. But Lord, I pray that You would just…God's Kingdom on the earth is now The Kingdom
Lord, may we be the victorious believers who live in the reality of the kingdom of the heavens today and who will be rewarded with the…I need Thee every hour Longings
This hymn always lifts my soul, it makes me feel the presence of the Holy in me with tears. It consoles me at all timesMy hope is built on nothing less Assurance and Joy of Salvation
On him alone I stand