Chants qui ont été commentés récemment
Stand up! stand up for Jesus (Alternate Tune)
Spiritual Warfare
Good songChoose to Be an Overcomer Spiritual Warfare
I give myself to You Lord, amenJesus is the Lord, and He lives in me Experience of Christ
I’m gonna eat the tree, I’ve been washed and I have the right. O hallelujah! O hallelujah! Jesus lives in m…Dearest Lord, You've called us here The Church
Jesus we love you!Grace there is my every debt to pay Assurance and Joy of Salvation
In 1889, Herbert (Booth), then commanding the Army through¬out the British Isles, was requested to compose a song for the Christmas Number o…My will is weak, my strength is frail Experience of Christ
Thou art my Savior, strength and stay, O Lord, I come to seek Thy face; Though I’m the weakest of the weak, …Jesus shall reign where'er the sun Praise of the Lord
In Him the tribes of Adam boast More blessings than their father lostGreat is Thy faithfulness Worship of the Father
Whenever I feel overwhelmed, like today, my wife's been diagnosed with cancer in her breast, with my 40 yrs old son in rehab suffering from …The church is the building up The Church
Amen Amen Amen
I heard the voice of the Lord
Spiritual Warfare
Lord make us faithful to the end!!The old rugged cross Glorying in the Cross
These old hymns about the Cross have the message we all need. Thank you Jesus for going to the Cross.Fear not, I am with thee Comfort in Trials
It's an old but still new song. It reassures of God's faithfulness even when darkness looms all around us.Gazing on the Lord in glory Praise of the Lord
I sang this hymn in my childhood in a small family meeting and I have thought of it often throughout my life. As I prepare to lead a…From every stormy wind that blows Prayer
Got up 5a. m. this morning with this song on my lips, haven'tsung it since Easter. And then tears started to flow. I believe the Holy…Glory, honor, praise and power Praise of the Lord
Theodulf of Orleans, France (Catholic) was born around the year 750 of a noble Gothic family probably in Spain. He found favor at the…Abide with me! fast falls the eventide Longings
Thanks for making this possible. May the good Lord continue to uplift and bless you.
A mighty Fortress is our God
Spiritual Warfare
“the little Word” (ein Wortlein) is the baby Jesus; so this is Advent Hymn. Likewise in first line of 4th verse, “Word” should b…Amazing Grace Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Thank the LordO blessed Savior, is Thy love Praise of the Lord
Lord grant us a love like this, that we would fain (treasure greatly, pleasure greatly) to have our thoughts, and heart and lives engaged…I hear Thy welcome voice Gospel
Twas at peace singing this beautiful song. Greetings all the way from the beautiful land Philippines.My hope is built on nothing less Assurance and Joy of Salvation
On him alone I standTo God be the glory, great things He hath done Worship of the Father
This song is always a Blessing to my soul. Praise the Lord!! Thank you JESUS!!Pursue Him and know Him Consecration
I am pursuing!!! Amennnn!!!!!!O Jesus, I have promised Consecration
Glory be to GodJesus, lover of my soul Gospel
What a comfort to sing this song and to be reminded that God is there!