Chants qui ont été commentés récemment

Jesus, Sun and Shield art Thou Experience of Christ
Thank you Lord, You are our song and strength forever.
O happy day that fixed my choice Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Great and powerful inspirational, a greatest transaction is done , hallelujah hallelujah Amen
Take my life, and let it be Consecration
Oh Lord let my heart always be your Royal throne.
Christ has come to be life Various Aspects of the Inner Life
Praise the Lord that his life flows in me! Oh Lord supply me fully!
I Am Reborn Experience of God
Yes, God Himself is now my life; His nature is forever mine. All His commands I can fulfill, Since I…
There's not a Friend like the lowly Jesus Gospel
Thank you Jesus
All to Jesus I surrender Consecration
May Grace of God help us to surrender Total in Jesus mighty name, I love this hyms
What a Friend we have in Jesus Prayer
The music was composed by Charles Crozat, Converse, LL. D. , musician, lawyer, and writer. He was born in Warren, Massachusetts. , 1832. ,…
There shall be showers of blessing Fulness of the Spirit
Beautiful 🤩
And can it be that I should gain Assurance and Joy of Salvation
So nice to sing this song, I enjoy how the voice parts are harmonized
I'm pressing on the upward way Longings
I listened to this hymn today in another dimension. We will keep pressing up iJn
Come into my heart, O Lord Jesus Gospel
Through regeneration Christ came into our spirit (2 Tim. 4:22). After this, we should allow Him to spread into every part of our heart. S…
Lord, Thou wilt soon appear Hope of Glory
Lord, Thou wilt soon appear, Thy day is almost here. Oh, how we love Thy coming soon! We have no other…
Immortal, invisible, God only wise Worship of the Father
Immortal Invisible God only wise, song came mind from spirit at prayer altar. One of hymns we use to sing during morning assembly at Queens …
Beneath the cross of Jesus Glorying in the Cross
I woke up this morning with "o safe and happy shelter, O refuge tried and sweet...". A beautiful and precious hymn that turns our eyes away …
Jesus Lord, I'm captured by Thy beauty Experience of Christ
Come quickly dear Lord Jesus my heart renders love and praises tasting sweetness of thy name.
Father, long before creation Worship of the Father
Father, long before creation, Thou hadst chosen us in love; And that love, so deep, so moving, Draws us…
Fill My Cup, Lord Experience of Christ
This song is clearer now than before and enlightening. The Woman at the well our temporary state looking unto the Holy Permanent which…
Faith of our fathers, living still The Church
I grew up in Liverpool UK and remember singing this hymn frequently both at school and in Church. I always found it both rousinf and…
I've believed the true report Experience of Christ
I AM LIVING! YES I AM LIVING! IN THE PRESENCE OF THE KING! God has been GOOD! Let us keep believing the TRUE report
I Love My Master Consecration
You are our liberty, and our joy complete!
Take time to behold Him Encouragement
Amen! In joy or in sorrow, Still follow thy Lord, And, looking to Jesus, Still trust in His Word.
Gathered in Thy name, Lord Jesus Praise of the Lord
How inspiring it is to experience the Love of God through this hymn. Your words were found and I ate them and they became the joy and…
There is a fountain filled with blood Gospel
Both Dad now Mom are in heaven now, but their teachings of Christ live on. This song was a part of the 1st Sunday communion service. I can…
Lord, I love You more and more each day Experience of Christ
We love you more each day. Oh Lord Jesus!!!!