Chants qui ont été commentés récemment

Blessed assurance Assurance and Joy of Salvation
This is my story this week
Jesus, Thy head, once crown'd with thorns Praise of the Lord
George Nelson Allen was born in Mansfield Massachusetts, September 7, 1812, and lived at Oberlin, Ohio. It was there that he composed…
In God's green pastures feeding Experience of God
Have been looking for this song for years. So glad to find it here. Thank you so much.
Father, Thy Son beloved leads our praise Worship of the Father
Thank you father that we can worship you for everything you did for us!
To God be the glory, great things He hath done Worship of the Father
This song is always a Blessing to my soul. Praise the Lord!! Thank you JESUS!!
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow Blessing of the Trinity
This song dropped in my heart while having my breakfast this morning. It's always a blessing to me. I am grateful Lord 🙏
Abba, Father, we approach Thee Worship of the Father
“Abba, Father, ” we adore Thee!!
Death cannot hold the resurrection life The Resurrection Life
Christ's experience is a marvelous spiritual application. Because this opens a way for the power of His resurrection to be expressed in an…
Divine romance Experience of Christ
This divine romance, Is my heart's deep plan, I became a lowly man, To court My country girl.…
Praise Him! praise Him! Christ is Victor Praise of the Lord
Hallelujah, Christ the Victor
My hope is built on nothing less Assurance and Joy of Salvation
On him alone I stand
Rock of Ages, cleft for me Gospel
This song is ever new each time l sing it. When I am threatened by any danger, this song quickly comes to my mind and restores peace and…
Standing on the promises of Christ my King Assurance and Joy of Salvation
The promised of God is a sure promised no doubt about it. God is faithful to me and my family. What God cannot do does not exist.
There shall be showers of blessing Fulness of the Spirit
Send the rain of Your Holy Spirit over Your Churches today as You promised. Let lives be changed and transformed. We pray for those who…
If you wish to find the Lord Gospel
Oh Lord! I wish to find you!