Chants qui ont été commentés récemment

I love to tell the story Gospel
I was looking for this hymn and couldn't remember the words. I saw the hymn "Stand up stand up for Jesus." That jogged my mind and I…
Immortal, invisible, God only wise Worship of the Father
God woke me this morning at 01. 50 AM and showed me this Hymn. Therefore; I declare it as His WORD for those who have this inspiration. At…
Take my life, and let it be Consecration
Was reading my Bible and this song came into my spirit. I had to look it up because I couldn't remember all the lines. Thank you for this.
Pass me not, O gentle Savior Gospel
While reading the scripture Luke 5:31-32, this song alighted on me. Oh you who is sick and needs Jesus, I tell you he is closer than you…
Turn your eyes upon Jesus Encouragement
Such an awesome song made even more wonderful by the story behind it of Helen reading an essay by I. Lillian Trotter called "focuss" (yes,…
The Spirit is the sphere and element Baptism
"Source, essence, element, sphere! ' God’s economy in four words and the progression of His true salvation in our being. At first just fo…
To God be the glory, great things He hath done Worship of the Father
This song is always a Blessing to my soul. Praise the Lord!! Thank you JESUS!!
Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus Experience of Christ
This song is a blessing to me. It helps me trust Him more. It's a source of encouragement to me. Thank you Jesus 🙌 🙌🙌🙌
Where's the answer? Gospel
The heavens declare You and the earth shows Your beauty. But I’m a man, I’m so empty! Lord, have mercy! I’m dark a…