Chants qui ont été commentés récemment
A Life of No Regrets
Praise the Lord and love him with no regrets!The old rugged cross Glorying in the Cross
This was my Mom's favorite hymn . She would play it on an organ in the living room. Thank you Heavenly Father for blessing me…Father God, Thou art the source of life Worship of the Father
"In Thy glory we are all made one!"Blessed assurance Assurance and Joy of Salvation
What a great assurance 🙏✨ Forever Grateful Lord🙇Glory, glory to the Father Blessing of the Trinity
"Give Him glory; give Him glory! Wondrous things for us our God hath done."O Jesus, Jesus, dearest Lord Praise of the Lord
Lord Jesus, we love You and we open to You. Grow in us. May we decrease and may You increase. Amen, Lord, may we not think that the fiery…We're gathered here, O Lord, as Thy one Body Praise of the Lord
Beautiful 😍Dearest Lord, You've called us here The Church
Jesus we love you!Sometimes a light surprises Comfort in Trials
This is about my 50th time listening to this beautiful song. I wanted to get deep down into my soul. I’m so grateful for the words. I’m so g…Great is Thy faithfulness Worship of the Father
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah I can’t help but say Hallelujah for the Lord is faithful indeed. Reading your comments gives me me hope to…The Great Physician now is near Gospel
Always works wonders Spiritual transformationTrust and obey Experience of Christ
I feel lifted and my confidence in The Lord grows stronger 🙏 🙌 💪 with this song. The joy of my salvation is always ❤ rekindle.…From the time I spoke Your name Assurance and Joy of Salvation
This song came to me this morning. It is my testimony after 50 years. Jesus is sooo real to me! I know my life has not been the same since…I need Thee every hour Longings
This hymn always lifts my soul, it makes me feel the presence of the Holy in me with tears. It consoles me at all timesFill My Cup, Lord Experience of Christ
This song is clearer now than before and enlightening. The Woman at the well our temporary state looking unto the Holy Permanent which…Rock of Ages, cleft for me Gospel
I love this song when I sing it I remember where Jesus change my life Thank my father Jesus Christ you my Rock of ages 🙌Amazing Grace Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Praise your name Lord Jesus 🙌🏽🙏🏽 I grew up in church my whole life…. This is the #1 song played during worship…
Praise Him! praise Him! Christ is Victor
Praise of the Lord
Hallelujah, Christ the VictorPraise Him! praise Him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer Praise of the Lord
What a wonderful song to praise God with. God deserve our praises and so praising Him with a song like this am sure He will be delighted.…God Needs the Overcomers Spiritual Warfare
Amen! This is one of my favorite songs.I Wanna Be Good Ground Various Aspects of the Inner Life
I have really enjoyed this song and picture this weekend! Matthew 13 is awesome. Lord keep my heart so soft and open towards You.There's not a Friend like the lowly Jesus Gospel
Times can be really hard, but no matter what we're going through, our first comfort is knowing that He is aware and cares for us.Death cannot hold the resurrection life The Resurrection Life
Christ's experience is a marvelous spiritual application. Because this opens a way for the power of His resurrection to be expressed in an…Begone, unbelief Comfort in Trials
This has been my most Favorite comforting Hymnal ever. Back at Teacher College of Education, University, Marriage, Depression and Divorce,…What a Friend we have in Jesus Prayer
Nice song 👍