Jesus, Fountain of my days

Jesus, Fountain of my days,
  Well-spring of my heart’s delight,
Brightness of my morning rays,
  Solace of my hours of night;
When I see Thee, I arise
To the hope of cloudless skies.
Oh, how weary were the years
  Ere Thy form to me was known;
Oh, how gloomy were the fears
  When I seemed to be alone;
I despaired the storm to brave
Till Thy footprints touched the wave.
But Thy presence on the deep
  Calmed the pulses of the sea,
And the waters sank to sleep
  In the rest of seeing Thee;
And my once rebellious will
Heard the mandate, Peace, be still!
Now Thy will and mine are one,
  Heart in heart, and hand in hand;
All the clouds have touched the sun,
  And the ships have reached the land;
For Thy love has said to me,
No more night! and No more sea!
James Smith

Mansfield, Ohio, United States

The writer of this hymn is George Matheson. In one of his biographies it says he was engaged to be married at age 20. When he found out he was going blind, he told his fiancé. She decided she could not live with a blind man and called off the wedding. Blind and alone what a broken heart. This hymn may have came out from such suffering and his finding the Lord in such a dark place. We know God’s ways are not our way. Certainly God gained much in this man and passed it on to us in such a beautiful intimate love song.

Stephen Bellingham

Irvine, CA, United States


Nelson Liu

Irvine, CA, United States

Now Thy will and mine are one, heart in heart, and hand in hand!

Transformation House

Anaheim, California, United States

We are no longer alone! His will and ours are one!

Samuel Agbiti

Otukpo, Benue State, Nigeria

This is a wonderful song with great tune, this song is really birthed out by the spirit of God.

Bob Baer

Brampton, ON, Canada

I was enjoying this hymn this morning with the new tune and turning the tenses from past to present as a heartfelt prayer. Brings the story of the hymn from John 6:18-22 into focus. As we sing we breathe these words into us praying them back to Him with feeling, consideration and worship. Here we sing both with our mind and with our spirit as in 1 Cor 14:15.

Oh, how weary are the years

Ere Thy form to me is known;

Oh, how gloomy are the fears

When I seem to be alone;

I despair the storm to brave

Let Thy footprints touch the wave.

Let Thy presence on the deep

Calm the pulses of the sea,

Let the waters sink to sleep

In the rest of seeing Thee;

And my rebellious will

Hear the mandate, Peace, be still!


Texas, United States

Oh Lord Jesus, cause our will to be one!

Ana Lara

Tolland, Connecticut, United States

George Matheson was born on March 1842, in Glasgow, the most populous city of Scotland. His Father was George Matheson, a merchant and his mother Jane Matheson- they were second cousins.

George was the eldest of eight children. He was blind from his youth. George was educated in Glasgow Academy and the University of Glasgow where he graduated from logic and philosophy. At age 20, he became completely blind but was determined to enter the ministry and studied theology and history.

In 1879, he earned the degree of Doctor of Divinity and became a fellow at Royal Society of Edinburgh.

He died suddenly of a stroke on August 28, 1906 in Edinburgh and is buried with his father and mother in the Glasgow Necropolis. The grave lies near the summit.

Mr Matheson never married.

(Royal Society of Edinburgh)

Joseph Chang

Burlingame, California, United States

Lord gain me and let me stay in Your presence!

Bell C.

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

For Thy love has said to me,

No more night! and no more sea!

When the Lord's love take full possession of us, He gently tells us that there's no more night, only light. No more stormy sea, only the New Jerusalem.