Drawn to the Cross which Thou hast blest

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Drawn to the Cross which Thou hast blest,
With healing gifts for souls distrest,
To find in Thee my Life, my Rest,
  Christ crucified, I come.

Stained with the sins which I have wrought
In word and deed and secret thought;
For pardon which Thy Blood hath bought,
  Christ crucified, I come.
Weary of selfishness and pride,
False pleasures gone, vain hopes denied,
Deep in Thy wounds my shame to hide,
  Christ crucified, I come.

Thou knowest all my griefs and fears,
Thy grace abused, my misspent years;
Yet now to Thee, for cleansing tears,
  Christ crucified, I come.
I would not, if I could, conceal
The ills which only Thou canst heal;
So to the Cross, where sinners kneel,
  Christ crucified, I come.

Wash me, and take away each stain,
Let nothing of my sin remain;
For cleansing, though it be through pain,
  Christ crucified, I come.
To share with Thee Thy life divine,
Thy very likeness to be mine,
Since Thou hast made my nature Thine,
  Christ crucified, I come.

To be what Thou wouldst have me be,
Accepted, sanctified in Thee,
Through what Thy grace shall work in me,
  Christ crucified, I come.

Wash me, and take away each stain,

Let nothing of my sin remain;

For cleansing, though it be through pain,

Christ crucified, I come.

To share with Thee Thy life divine,

Thy very likeness to be mine,

Since Thou hast made my nature Thine,

Christ crucified, I come.

Lennart Kohala


Coming to the cross of our Savior Jesus Christ by the gracious leading of the Spirit is an amazing life-changing experience. What love, grace, forgiveness and healing we experience when we come to the cross and view Christ, who loved us so much and died for each of us so personally. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for washing away my sins with Your blood and pouring Your most wonderful love into my heart at the cross. I'm so thankful for Your cross!

Mark Estrella

Mt. View, CA, United States

Deep in thy wounds my shame to hide. Lord Jesus I love You. Your wounds are my home. I love You for being wounded for me. Thank You Lord.


Warri, Delta, Nigeria

It's inspiring.

Jeffrey Kalles

Spokane, WA, U.S.A.

This song really touched me. Verses 3 and 4 just resounded within my being.

3. Weary of selfishness and pride,

False pleasures gone, vain hopes denied,

Deep in Thy wounds my shame to hide,

Christ crucified, I come.

4. Thou knowest all my griefs and fears,

Thy grace abused, my misspent years;

Yet now to Thee, for cleansing tears,

Christ crucified, I come.

These two verses have really been my experience. I was raised in the Lord's recovery but still, after I was saved abused the Lord's grace and mispent a lot of time. Then I began to get weary of living in the world and just started to say "Christ crucified, I come!" This turning to Him has been the most enjoyable time of my life. I am the happiest I have ever been. The Lord just keeps working in me. I always enjoy the ministry and all of the new songs that are posted on this website. Praise the Lord! His work on the earth is moving!