If you’ve lost all your possessions
And you’re feeling the oppressions,
There’s a gift of grace to you who would believe;
There’s no high requirement from you,
Jesus Christ, Whose blood redeemed you,
Is the One who is forgiveness, just receive!
And you’re feeling the oppressions,
There’s a gift of grace to you who would believe;
There’s no high requirement from you,
Jesus Christ, Whose blood redeemed you,
Is the One who is forgiveness, just receive!
There’s good news on your horizon—(Shout) Jubilee!
There’s a gospel worth announcin’—(Shout) Just believe!
It’s the word for which you’re waiting,
It’s a gift worth celebrating,
Hear the trumpet, how elating—Be set free....
To enjoy the Lord, receive abundant grace,
Just enjoy the Lord, behold His shining face,
In the Jubilee! Just believe! Be set free!
In the Jubilee!
There’s a gospel worth announcin’—(Shout) Just believe!
It’s the word for which you’re waiting,
It’s a gift worth celebrating,
Hear the trumpet, how elating—Be set free....
To enjoy the Lord, receive abundant grace,
Just enjoy the Lord, behold His shining face,
In the Jubilee! Just believe! Be set free!
In the Jubilee!
Through Christ’s words of grace and mercy,
There’s no shortage, lack, or worry,
Don’t be bothered, vexed, or feel anxiety;
In the Jubilee of grace where
All our debt has been erased there,
We are happy, joyful, filled with ecstasy!
There’s no shortage, lack, or worry,
Don’t be bothered, vexed, or feel anxiety;
In the Jubilee of grace where
All our debt has been erased there,
We are happy, joyful, filled with ecstasy!
When Christ is our satisfaction
And our one unique attraction,
Christ, the Savior, has become our Jubilee;
Everything is satisfying
When in all Christ is supplying
All the riches found in God’s economy!
And our one unique attraction,
Christ, the Savior, has become our Jubilee;
Everything is satisfying
When in all Christ is supplying
All the riches found in God’s economy!
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Belmopan, Cayo, Belize
Grace is with those who LOVE THE LORD! When we live Him, simply love Him, we are in the Jubilee!
San Jose Del Monte City, Bulacan, Philippines
I love this song very much
Enjoy the Jubilee
Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
Perfect jubilee in my life
Columbus, Ohio, United States
To believe is to receive the Lord: Lord I believe You are my Jubilee!!
To love the Lord is to enjoy the Lord whom we have received: Lord I receive and enjoy You as my Jubilee!!
Limoeiro, Pernambuco, Brazil
Praise the Lord!
Kennesaw, Georgia, United States
Amen! Praise the Lord!! 😀😁😂😃
Villa Elisa, Central, Paraguay
Amén Santos Saludos en Él!! Este himno no lo tienen en español?
Round Rock, TX, United States
All our debt has been erased there,
We are happy, joyful, filled with ecstasy!
Hallelujah jubilee!!
Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
Amen, Enjoy the Lord, receive abundant Grace!!
All the riches found in God's Economy.
San Marcos, TX, United States
Christ is our satisfaction! and our unique attraction! Oh! You have become our wonderful Jubilee!