Grant Me a Vision

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This is my prayer, Lord:
Open my heart, Lord.
I want to hear what You say.
Open my spirit.
Open my soul, Lord.
I give myself; have Your way.
Grant me a vision,
Clear revelation, Lord, I pray.
I want You to
Speak words of life, Lord,
Into my being fresh today,
That I may be
Able to see You
And all You want to be in me.
Lord, I want to live You.
Wash me and cleanse me.
Set me apart for You.
O Lord, Your earthen vessel I would be.

Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Clear revelation, Lord, I pray


Fremont, Californina, United States

OH LORD JESUS, OPEN our heart, spirit and soul so we can HEAR what YOU say. GRANT us a vision, REVEAL YOURSELF and SPEAK words of life into our being so we may be able to SEE and LIVE YOU moment by moment. LORD, WASH us and CLEANSE us with YOUR precious blood, MAKE us pure and simple before you. SET us apart FOR YOU, YOUR earthen vessel we would be.



Springfield, Missouri, United States

PTL! This is our prayer, LORD, set us apart for YOU, grant us such a vision controling and ruling of our being and living, we love YOU LORD JESUS...

Valbona Balla

Tirane, Albania

O Lord, Your earthen vessel I would be.