Lord, perfect us, Thy believers

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Lord, perfect us, Thy believers,
As the New Jerusalem;
God as newness wrought within us,
New creation we’ll become.
As we’re opened fully to Thee,
Lord, renew our every part.
Gain Thy corporate, image-bearing
One new man, Thy counterpart.
Holy city, all God’s people
Sanctified in nature true,
Saturated with Thine essence,
Is Thy one eternal view.
Yield us weighty, constituted,
Fully mingled, Lord, with Thee
That Thou gain Thy full expression
And Thy glory fully see.
We’re God’s tabernacle, dwelling;
Here is Thine eternal rest.
We’re Thy house, Thy splendid temple,
Joined in spirit, fully blessed.
Lord, our bodies we present now,
With all saints together grow;
Blended, built, coordinated,
We’d Thy building truly know.
Now betrothed to Thee, dear Bridegroom,
Bring us to maturity.
Beautify, reconstitute us
Till we match Thee perfectly.
May our love grow deeper, fuller;
Foretaste of our married life.
How we long to finally meet Thee!
Thou, the Lamb, and we, the wife!
With that City as our mother,
We’ve been born of God by grace.
In this grace we stand, receiving,
And Thy purpose we embrace:
Many more sons God desires;
We too bring them forth in love.
One with God, we’re now components
Of Jerusalem above.
Consummated Triune God with
Redeemed man is joined as one;
Marvelous eternal couple
To declare all Thou hast done.
Lord, obtain Thy deepest longing—
Corporate man build up in Thee;
Thine economy accomplish;
New Jerusalem complete.