The New Covenant Blessings

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“I will impart My laws into their mind,”
Our covenanting God revealed to mankind;
“I will inscribe My laws upon their heart,”
God’s highest law of life in us to impart.
Christ is the title deed of all God is;
Christ is a testament with all its bequests;
Now the New Testament is ours to claim,
As we, in spirit, call upon His name.
“I will be God to them” declares the Lord,
Christ, our inheritance, described in the Word;
“And they will be to Me a people,” possessed,
As God’s inheritance, His riches, expressed.
“For all will know Me,” and consecrate,
Even the little ones and also the great;
All have capacity to live such a life,
All live in oneness, abiding in Christ.
“I will propitiate,” forgiving all sin,
Cleansing the inward parts and washing within;
Christ’s efficacious blood has set us free,
Restoring fellowship, for eternity.
A Sister


Thank you for putting this rich truth into a song to enjoy!