When we believe into the Son

  When we believe into the Son,
By His Spirit, we are made one;
When we believe into the Son,
By His Spirit, we are made one.

Brothers: We are one.
Sisters: We are all made one.
Brothers: We are one.
Sisters: We are all made one.
Brothers: We are one.
Sisters: We are all made one.
Everyone: We are one.
The world is longing, seeking for peace,
Yet wars and rumors of wars still increase.
There is no way for men to end all this fear,
All this pain, all this hate, all these tears,
Yet Jesus is here!
We are dwelling in the love of the Lord,
He our unity has now restored.
Brothers, sisters in one family,
As the Father and the Son, always one,
So are we!
How good and pleasant it can be
When brothers dwell in unity;
Like sweet anointing and the mountain dew;
Life eternal for me and for you—
All things are new!
C. Taylor

United States

The world is longing, seeking for peace,

Yet wars and rumors of wars still increase.

There is no way for men to end all this fear,

All this pain, all this hate, all these tears,

Yet Jesus is here!

Praise Him! Yet Jesus is here!


White Rock, BC, Canada

"For also in one Spirit were we all baptized into one Body, .... and were all given to drink one Spirit" (1 Cor. 12:13). "But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit." (1 Cor. 6:17) Hallelujah! We are one in the Father through His life, one in Christ Jesus the Son, and one in the Spirit through our mingled spirit. We are one in the Triune God!