What things were gains to me

D6031 NS138
What things were gains to me,
These I now count as loss.
Jesus has set me free
From what I was!
All of the things I had;
Everything, good or bad,
I count as refuse
That I may gain Christ!
I won’t give up!
I will keep running until
I have attained
The goal of my calling!
I must press on!
I must pursue until
I lay hold of Him
Who laid hold of me!
Forget the things behind!
Stretch for the things before!
Press onward with this mind:
Always want more!
Seeking in Him to grow,
Increasingly to know
Him that I daily might
Be found in Christ.

Sydney, NSW, Australia

I love this song. We sang it at our high schooler's meeting, just to warm us up for the meeting and hallelujah, praise the Lord! It did, and now I love this song so much!

Justin Bieber

Stradford, Canada

I love this song! It is so encouraging!

Laura Wilde

Arlington, Texas, United States

We need to forget the things behind us, even the good things, because the Lord has put so much more in front of us to enjoy. If we keep dwelling on the things which happened in the past, even yesterday, we cannot go on, we cannot press on for each new enjoyment the Lord has given to us to enjoy! We need to be ones Pursuing Christ to gain Him!

Maylyn B.lacson

Biella, Italy

Amen! Let go for the goal. Oh Lord Jesus...


San Juan, M.M., Philippines

This hymn is very encouraging! Lord Jesus, preserve us in the churchlife, until Your coming back. Lord Jesus I just love You!

"I won't give up!

I will keep running until

I have attained

The goal of my calling!

I must press on!

I must pursue until

I lay hold of Him

Who laid hold of me!"


Kampala, Uganda

I must press on...I wont give up.


Yerevan, Armenia

Oh, this is my favorite hymn! In Armenian it's number 57. We sang this hymn in every meeting, that's why the saints sometimes call me 57.

I won't give up! NO!

I will keep running until

I have attained

The goal of my calling!

I must press on! YES!

I must pursue until



Dear LORD I love YOU very much!




I won't give up, NO!

I must press on, YES!

Let us be those who will bring the Lord back the second time... Stay in the CHURCH LIFE!!! Amen!!

José Da Silva

Porto, Vila Nova De Gaia, Portugal

I think I don't get tired of this song!

Oh Lord Jesus!!!!!

Marsalek Dejl Bryant

San Angelo, Texas, United States

Sh'ma, Yisrael ! Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai echad. I will lay hold of Him Who laid hold of me.