There’s a Secret

There’s a secret we must learn from
Joseph’s life so long ago.
How he came to be one reigning,
This is what we must come to know.
See the vision of God’s people;
They are sheaves so full of life.
And regardless how we see them,
In God’s view they are full of light.
But before we will be reigning,
God knows we must be confined.
Just like Joseph in his prison,
There’s a secret to this, we will find.
God is with us in our troubles,
And on Him we can rely.
Even though we may not see it,
God is with us to be our supply.
Even in all of our troubles,
Some may come to us in need.
In their seeking we can help them
Come to God, and let Him take the lead.
Through our speaking of God’s vision,
Oh, the more we’ll be released!
Speak the “dreams” that God has shown you.
Speak with God’s full authority!
Now the secret to our reigning
Is to first be ruled by God.
Oh, we need the Spirit’s ruling
In our life through the long path we trod.
Give your life over to Jesus;
Then you’ll have a full supply,
And to others be a blessing,
In all things, as you “reign in life!”