But thanks be to God (2 Cor. 2:14-16a)

But thanks be to God who always leads us,
Leads us in triumph, triumph in the Christ,
And manifests through us the savor,
Savor of the knowledge of Him in every place.
  But thanks be to God
Who always leads us,
Leads us in the triumph,
Triumph in the Christ.
For we are a fragrance of Christ to God,
In those who are being saved and those perishing;
To the one a savor, from death unto death,
To the other a savor from life unto life.

Corinthians Training Song #3 (1981)

Jack Petrash

Irving, TX

2 Corinthians 2:14-16 are very rich verses! Christ's believers have been "captured" by all He is and all He has done. Now we are all together in a triumphant procession celebrating His triumph over his enemies. In the enjoyment of this triumph we manifest a fragrance of Christ to all around us Hallelujah!

Jack Petrash Irving, Texas, United States