Christ in Colossians

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We treasure Thee, Lord Jesus,
As God’s reality.
Whate’er our God possesses
Is surely found in Thee.
His very life and essence
Within Thy Being dwells.
His glory and expression
Thy Person fully tells.
Oh! Vast Unmeasured Portion,
Oh! Bountiful Supply,
In light the saints enjoy Thee,
And Thou dost reign thereby.
Within the Father’s bosom
Beloved Son Thou art;
The sweetness of the Godhead
To us Thou dost impart.
Most Excellent of mankind,
Creation’s firstborn One!
God saw Thee and foreknew Thee,
The first created One.
Yet, twice to Thee ’tis given,
Yea, born and born again,
A man in resurrection,
The firstborn from the dead.
The universal Fullness
So pleased resides in Thee.
Within Thee dwells the Godhead,
And Thou, Lord, dwell in me!
Preeminent, transcendent,
Unique in all Thou art,
O’erflowing all the heavens,
Thou now dost fill my heart!
Thou art the hope of glory,
Thou art the mystery,
The center and the focus
Of God’s economy;
The secret of the ages,
Veiled from eternity,
The hidden dispensation,
The Triune God in me!
In all things Thou art foremost,
In everything the best,
In quality the finest,
In quantity boundless.
Superlative in nature,
In form resplendent Thou,
Surpassing e’en the highest,
The peerless One art Thou.

This song may not be reproduced except for personal use without the express written consent of the author.

E. Ferreira

Bloemfontein, Free State, South Africa

Lord, thank You for such a rich description of Yourself. Uplift our praise to match You!

Salvador Z. Tarun, Jr.

Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Rich, sweet, sublime, profound --- a delightful Offering to our Father, and a Nourishment to us His children.

"That their hearts may be comforted, they being knit together in love and unto all the riches of the full assurance of understanding, unto the full knowledge of the mystery of God, CHRIST..." (Col. 2:2)

Marlyn A. de Guzman

Tayatay, Rizal, Philippines

The all-inclusive One, having the First place in All Things as the Mystery and Embodiment of God as the Head and Constituent of the Church, as the Allotted Portion, Life, Constituent, and Hope of the Saints, and as the Body of All positive Things.

charie joy

San Pedro, Laguna, Philippines

I like the second paragraph. I remember this song in our summer truth training. It touches my heart.

Jubilee Chang

Round Lake, Illinois, United States

I appreciate the writing and the publication of this lovely song of our peerless Christ, the fullness of God. Thank You for compiling both the profound truths and subjective experiences of Christ into melody for us to enjoy and partake. How sweet and precious it is for the church to enjoy her Christ in such a mysterious yet intimate way.

Nancy Pereira dos Santos

São Paulo, SP, Brazil

The lyrics of this song is so deep! It really encourages me to taste such a Christ. Phillipians shows us the all-inclusive Christ, and I want to taste Him in all these aspects.