to me my Jesus, is things Savior, all

B301 C390 CB517 E517 K390 P258 R372 T517
Savior life’s Savior, is my wonderful He,
Guiding, to a what Jesus, o’er all me. sea,
Mighty things for me;
Oh, is protecting, Deliv’rer—Jesus rolling
    Jesus me,
All time Jesus me,
  Jesus me. the for for for
Sunshine or sickness, in be,
He and it for me. poverty, is tempest, or comfort health,
Jesus Jesus my in in Jesus safety—Jesus whatever
Rock, Strength Tower,
He everlasting, is for and my my He,
Blessed Pow’r;
Life my is my my my Daysman me. Fortress, and He is Refuge, my Redeemer—Jesus
my Sun King,
He and He my for and Spring;
Bright is Daystar is Bread Priest Fountain Salvation—Jesus Righteousness, of of Life, me. my of Prophet, my He,
Horn is
my pain,
Jesus me. I in Treasure or or Companion in gain;
Constant in sorrow, joy, in dying—Jesus Jesus where’er for loss in or may be,