Is your life a channel of blessing

Is your life a channel of blessing?
Is the love of God flowing through you?
Are you telling the lost of the Savior?
Are you ready His service to do?
  Make me a channel of blessing today,
Make me a channel of blessing, I pray;
My life possessing, my service blessing,
  Make me a channel of blessing today.
Is your life a channel of blessing?
Are you burdened for those that are lost?
Have you urged upon those who are straying,
The Savior who died on the cross?
We cannot be channels of blessing
If our lives are not free from all sin;
We will barriers be and a hindrance
To those we are trying to win.
Edith. G

Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria

This hymn is inspiring, it keeps someone on the check, and its makes us to know that our life is a mirror before their eyes and a blessing to them.


Brentwood, TN, United States

This hymn came to my mind today when reading the devotional book "God Calling" edited by A. J. Russell. I was reading the entry for November 7. It makes the point that anything blocking our channel is only of ourself (self). We must keep self out and ask His Spirit to flow through. As a result, others will be helped and drawn to Him from coming in contact with us when we are unblocked channels. Others are helped and blessed by His Spirit flowing through us. And as said above in the comment for May 16, 2010, we have to realize that we are not the blessing, we are the channel, just as Jesus says "I am the vine and you are the branches."



Thanks for the upload. I have been deeply ministered by this hymn.

Dear Lord, help me to be a channel of blessing to all that I meet today and everyday. Amen.

Pst Elisha ND

Portharcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria

The hymn is a message on its own reminding us of the need to be holy, worthy examples and true believers who practice what they preach and who labour to bring others to Christ through worthy example... be a channel.

Idee Tezeyombi

As I was reading and listening to the instrumental, I came to a realization that I have not been a channel of blessing. It seems as if I change the channel when God places somewhere. Dear God, help me to not be disobedient to the Great Commission. In Jesus name, Amen.

L.B. Lindsey

Eatonville, WA, United States

My wife was searching for a song called "Channels Only" and we came across this song. We enjoyed it very much. It touched our hearts. Even more touching were the comments from others; a good challenge for all of us. Praise God.

Liz Chiu

Pingtung, Taiwan, Taiwan

Amen! Make me a channel of blessing. Wherever He puts me, may I be "a fragrance of Christ to God..."

Frank Pytel

Chicago, Illinois, United States

As I was singing this hymn I began to realize that I am not the blessing. I am the channel. He is the blessing, and I am called to channel this blessing into others. I am "blessed with every spiritual Christ" (Eph.1:3). May there be no resistance or hindrance, whatever it may be, to Him flowing freely through me into the lives of others! Wherever He puts me, may I be "a fragrance of Christ to God in those who are being saved and in those who are perishing" (2 Cor.2:15).



Lord, make me a channel of blessing today to the saints, to my family, and to my friends.

Boaz Leong

Manila, Philippines

My life possessing, my service blessing, make me a channel of blessing today.