We have a most glorious King

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We have a most glorious King;
The heavens, He says, are His throne;
All worlds are His mighty domain,
All kingdoms His scepter shall own.
He dwells with His people below,
He loves in their trials to share;
We dwell with the King for His work,
His burden we willingly bear.
I’m dwelling with Jesus my King;
I’ve found where He dwells with His own;
I’ve opened the door of my heart;
He’s made it His temple and throne.
Like Mary I sit at His feet,
Like John I recline on His breast;
His presence is fulness of joy,
His bosom is infinite rest.
I dwell with the King for His work,
I’ve part in His glorious plan
To bring in His kingdom to earth
And tell His salvation to man.
The world has its work and rewards,
I count them but folly and loss;
My business is only His work,
My message is only His cross.
I dwell with the King for His work,
The work, it is His and not mine;
He plans and prepares it for me
And fills me with power divine.
So duty is changed to delight,
And prayer into praise as I sing;
I dwell with my King for His work
And work in the strength of my King.
We’ll dwell with the King for His work
And work thru each day of the year.
Perhaps ere it passes, the King
In glory Himself shall appear.
Oh, then in some closer embrace,
Oh, then in some nobler employ
We’ll dwell with the King for His work
In endless, ineffable joy!
Jack Petrash

Irving, TX, United States

As our roots grow deep as a result of our time of fellowship, prayer, and consecration every morning, we are empowered with God's love for men and thus speak the gospel of the Kingdom without fear and full of his authority.

Ana Lara

Storrs, Connecticut, United States

Albert Benjamin Simpson, founder of the Missionary Alliance, was born on December 15, 1843, in Bayview, near Cavendish, Prince Edward Island, and raised as a strict Scottish Presbyterian. As a teenager, Simpson enjoyed reading Puritan devotionals. In 1865, at the age of 22, he was ordained and then served in prestigious congregations in Hamilton, Ontario, and Louisville, Kentucky. In 1847 Simpson’s faith had a turning point. He was filled with the Holy Spirit by incorporating holiness practices into his reformed faith. Then in 1881, he was baptized by immersion and experienced faith healing of heart trouble.

After resigning from the Presbyterian Church in New York City, he founded the Gospel Tabernacle, from which he launched various missions and healing activities including rescue missions, an orphanage, healing homes, and outreach to immigrants.

A. B. Simpson believed that Jesus’ return hinged upon the gospel being preached to all the world. His focus became the Great Commission, and he felt a missionary call to China. Unable to go because of opposition, he labored arduously in “home-based“ activities for world missions.

In 1880 he published the first illustrated mission magazine in North America, The Gospel in All Lands. He opened the New York Missionary Training College, where he provided lay people with a biblical foundation in order to train them quickly for the mission field. In 1887 Simpson founded the Christian Alliance and Evangelical Missionary Alliance. The Christian Alliance, prepared missionaries at the home-base, while the Evangelical Mission Alliance acted as a foreign mission board. A decade later, they merged and became the Christian and Missionary Alliance.

By 1895 the organization had sent out nearly 300 missionaries. Simpson led the organization until his death. He wrote hundreds of books and articles and edited the Word, the Work, and the World, a weekly publication. He recruited many people by holding summer mission conventions, by preaching on missions, and by educating them at the Missions Training Institute. Under his leadership, the C&MA, was the most important of the early American pre-millennium “faith, missions.”

He died on October 29, 1919 and is buried in Rockland County Campus of Nyack College in Nyack, New York.

(Albert Thompson, The Life of A. B. Simpson)


Wisconsin, United States

Like Mary I sit at His feet Like John I recline at His Breast

Anitha Nokku

Tustin, California, United States

His presence is fullness of joy,

His bosom is infinite rest.

My business is only his work,

My message is only his cross.


Round Rock, Texas, United States

I dwell with the King for His work,

I’ve part in His glorious plan

To bring in His kingdom to earth

And tell His salvation to man.

The world has its work and rewards,

I count them but folly and loss;

My business is only His work,

My message is only His cross.

Br. Jeff Hall

Church In Worcester, Massachusetts, United States

My business is only His work;

So duty is changed to delight,

and prayer turns to delight......


Arlington, TX, United States

His presence is fulness of joy,

His bosom is infinite rest.

We have a most glorious King!

Dana S Phillips

Anaheim, CA, United States

We have a most glorious King; Let us enthrone Him in our being day by day until He comes!


Salem, OR, United States

His presence is fullness of joy!

His presence is everything.

Janet Owusu Ansah Oduro Bennett

Yonkers, West Chester, New York, United States

Praise the Lord for the King who is our Savior God!

Our business is only His work!

Our message is only His cross!

Lord Jesus we love You!

Oh, then in some closer embrace!

Oh, then in some nobler employ!

We’ll dwell with the King for His work!

In endless, ineffable joy! Hallelujah! Amen!

Piano Hymns