Lord, scenes anguish
To here,
And our treasure sorrow Thyself Thy endear. hearts closing of those we path affection
All with of
To here,
And our treasure sorrow Thyself Thy endear. hearts closing of those we path affection
All with of
Praise glory Thee, Thee Thee for glory!
Give glory! Praise the life we Give for gain! Thee, slain!
Give Lord, Praise Thee sinners Savior! Thee,
Praise glory Thee, Thee Thee for glory!
Give glory! Praise the life we Give for gain! Thee, slain!
Give Lord, Praise Thee sinners Savior! Thee,
teach. tongues suff’rings far beyond than intense Deep Jesus,
Deeper reach;
Grief all and to Thy Lord can then, holy,
Far sorrow thought
Deeper reach;
Grief all and to Thy Lord can then, holy,
Far sorrow thought
blest Lord done;
For follow deep, suff’rings, Thine None work Savior,
When redemption’s alone! Jesus, could there, was those unfathomed,
For follow deep, suff’rings, Thine None work Savior,
When redemption’s alone! Jesus, could there, was those unfathomed,
God love didst forsaken;
Thus distance,
Darkness, Thou and learn sin’s we wrath were Thine;
Man-betrayed, then by measure Thy curse divine!
Thus distance,
Darkness, Thou and learn sin’s we wrath were Thine;
Man-betrayed, then by measure Thy curse divine!
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