Lord Jesus, I am waiting

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Lord Jesus, I am waiting
  To meet You in the air;
Apart from Your soon advent
  There is no other prayer.
My hope is Your returning,
  Your nearness I can feel;
I feel Your ’biding presence
  In spirit now so real.
Now in my deepest being
  Your speaking I can hear;
Your plan revealed in secret
  My thankful heart does cheer.
You are a moment nearer!
  I sense Your coming face;
The day of grace now shorter
  Soon Satan to displace.
Sever all cares that bind me
  That I may be so free;
I’ll be with You transcendent;
  Begone captivity!
From things permissive loose me,
  Lax snares that in me grow,
Lest when You come to greet me,
  I cannot freely go.
Each hour watching, ready,
  This is my heart’s desire;
So not to miss that rapture,
  My spirit set afire,
Lest by my slumber taking,
  Not ready for Your call,
I miss Your face, unworthy
  To leave this earthly ball.
Unto this heart speak freshly
  A warning serious:
Why trade the kingdom’s glory
  For things not glorious?
Love Him with heart o’erflowing,
  His coming fully mind;
Turn loose at every moment
  The earthly things you find.
Though fierce might be the fighting,
  Vile spirits all around,
Fear not such threat; be ready
  To leave this foreign ground.
Though darkness is increasing,
  Redemption’s day is near;
Lift up your head, for surely
  Our Lord will soon appear.
Lord, may I love You only,
  Lord, be my only thought,
Rejecting this world’s bribing,
  The One in heaven sought.
All earth’s attachments loosen,
  Dear Lord, delay no more;
I long to greet Your coming,
  The One whom I adore.
Maurice Ward

Columbus, Ohio, United States


Ed Bray

Anchorage, Alaska, United States

Prepare us Lord. Lord, may I love You only, Lord, be my only thought