Alas, and did my Savior bleed (revised)

C681 E8681 K681 R740 S464
Alas, and did my Savior bleed?
  And did my Sovereign die?
Would He devote that sacred head
  For such a worm as I?
At the cross, at the cross,
  Where I first saw the light,
And the burden of my heart rolled away!
It was there by faith,
I received my sight,
  And now I am happy all the day!
Alas! My Savior on the tree!
  Hands, feet cruel nails bore,
Head crowned with thorns, pricked painfully,
  And body wounded sore.
Was it for sins that I had done
  He groaned upon the tree?
Amazing pity! grace unknown!
  And love beyond degree!
Well might the sun in darkness hide
  And shut his glories in,
When Christ, the mighty Maker, died
  For man, His creature’s sin.
Thus might I hide my blushing face
  While His dear cross appears;
Dissolve my heart in thankfulness
  And melt mine eyes to tears.
But drops of grief can ne’er repay
  The debt of love I owe;
Here, Lord, I give myself away;
  ’Tis all that I can do.
No veil from God now separates;
  His death rent it in twain;
Breached also were the tombs of saints;
  Death can no more detain.
His side was pierced, but from it stemmed
  Blood, water flowing free,
To give life and from death exempt,
  To cleanse iniquity.
At death, He “It is finished!” cried,
  Redemption to proclaim;
At once my fears and worries died,
  And sighing, praise became.