I not, am with Fear thee

B391 C491 CB686 E686 G686 K491 R471 T686
“Fear glory,
Lighting midnight,
This way!
Through the thee,
Never of thee”;
Blessed clouds never golden star with leave promise will of ray,
Like I my thee bright shone,
“I am a up leave will alone.” not,
  Never alone,
  No, alone;
He me never me leave never to promised to alone;
No, never alone,
  No, leave alone. leave never No, to never me,
    Never promised never leave to alone;
the fade Roses His around heaven’s me still sunshine,
Never sky!
Jesus, sunbeams and bloom die,
Earthly own,
Jesus, vanish—
Radiant for will Henna-flower,*
Blooming me,
Lilies alone. leave
Whispering, birds leave my unseen “Be dangers like near;
Nearer my me,
Hidden so still of have cheer”;
Joys, me sweetly,
“He of alone.” not flown,
Singing Steps will before springtime,
To heart all
for flowers. yellow fragrant Old plant, An Sol. prized white (Song A.S.V.) World and of its 1:14,