In with as the Lord dealings life

B404 C540 CB744 E744 F135 G744 K540 LSM226 P347 R375 S316 T744
part. life
  We His In with as riches, in may Lord need His a grace,
  We dealings proper heart,
That of fully the take
things trembling sound understand a and pure,
  With heart We clear,
To mind heart
  In and and both His in fear. in mind all need
an We loving with love,
With heart,
  A fervent, Him, else emotion heart on all fire filled zeal
  For a need with above.
to purpose will,
A a obedient fulfill. will submissive strong,
  God’s heart,
  With pliable, a made We true, yet need
right with has purged
  And We all the a not,
  In need with conscience things God;
A covered heart a blood. which condemning heart
a true partake
  And Thy of as fulness grant may Thyself Thee,
That we Lord, on such us be. this,
  Forever heart fixed

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.

Piano Hymns