In some way or other the Lord will provide

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In some way or other the Lord will provide.
It may not be my way, it may not be thy way;
And yet in His own way, “the Lord will provide.”
Then we’ll trust in the Lord, and He will provide;
  Yes, we’ll trust in the Lord, and He will provide.
At some time or other the Lord will provide:
It may not be my time, it may not be thy time;
And yet in His own time, “the Lord will provide.”
Despond then no longer; the Lord will provide:
And this be the token—no word He hath spoken
Was ever yet broken: “The Lord will provide.”
March on then right boldly: the sea shall divide;
The pathway made glorious, with shoutings victorious,
We’ll join in the chorus, “The Lord will provide.”
Holder Baindu

Kenema, East, Sierra Leone

I love this song

Dua Flippe

Tokyo, Japan

thy Lord time, time may be it will time;

And some my in not At not yet will Lord provide:

It own other provide. ” or time!

Ana Lara

Storrs, Connecticut, United States

This song was written by Mrs. Martha A. W. Cook, wife of the Rev. Parsons Cook, editor of the Puritan Recorder, Boston. It was published in the American Messenger in 1870, and is still in use in both the German and English languages. In the English version, the easy flow of the last two lines into one sentence is an example of rhythmic advantage over foreign syntax.

Mrs. Cook was married to the well-known clergyman and editor, Parsons Cook, (1800-1865) in Bridgeport Connecticut, and survived him at his death in Lynn, Massachusetts. Her maiden name was Martha Ann Woodbridge. She married a Mr. Hawley and became a widow at the time of her remarriage as Mr. Cook’s second wife.

Professor Calvin S. Harrington, of Wesleyan University, Middletown, Ct. , set music to the words as printed in “Winnowed Hymns” (1873) and arranged by Dr. Eben Tourjee, organizer of the American Peace Jubilee in Boston. In the Gospel Hymns, it is replaced by the more popular composition of Phillip Phillips.

Dr. Eben Tourjee, late Dean of the College of Music in Boston University, and founder and head of the New England Conservatory, was born in Warwick, R. I. , June 1, 1834.

Even though he only had an academy education, he became a teacher of music and a master of its science because of his natural genius and hard-working ethics from boyhood. He established the New England Conservatory of Music in Providence, but in 1870

the conservatory was moved to Boston until today. Tourjee received his doctorate of music by Wesleyan University. He died in Boston, April 12, 1891.

Phillip Phillips, known as “the singing Pilgrim, ” was born in Jamestown, Chautauqua, N. Y. Aug. 13, 1834. He compiled 29 collections of sacred music for Sunday schools and Gospel meetings; also a Methodist Hymn and Tune Book, 1866. He composed a great number of tunes, but wrote no hymns and some of his books were published in London. He was an international singer, and traveled through Europe, Australia and America. He died in Delaware, June 25, 1875.

Chandra Moss

Linesville, PA, United States

"A gospel song, now mostly forgotten, delighted Christians hundreds of years ago. Often sung to the strains of a fiddle, it boasted of God's unique methods in meeting the needs of His children" This is a quote found int the book called the "Red Sea Rules, 10 God given strategies for difficult times" by Robert Morgan. An amazing book and an amazing song that both shall not be forgotten.

Steve Miller

Livonia, MI

Martha W. Cook (1806-74) was the wife of Rev. Parsons Cook, the editor of a Boston paper called "The Puritan Recorder." This hymn was published in 1865. - Songs of the Spirit by Martin