One thing I of the Lord desire

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One thing I of the Lord desire,
For all my path hath miry been:
Be it by water or by fire,
Oh, make me clean, oh, make me clean!
So wash me, Thou, without, within,
Or purge with fire, if that must be;
No matter how, if only sin
  Die out in me, die out in me.
I watch to shun the miry way,
And staunch the springs of guilty thought;
But, watch and struggle as I may,
Pure I am not, pure I am not.
If clearer vision Thou impart,
Grateful and glad my soul shall be,
But yet to have a purer heart
Is more to me, is more to me.
Yea, only as this heart is clean
May larger vision yet be mine,
For mirrored in the depths are seen
The things divine, the things divine.

Edmonton, AB, Canada

For the second time round, the Lord is using this song to affirm me as His and to bring a revival into my life. What more, it is on the eve of 2025.. He is been so soon good to me... blessed be the name of the Lord.


Nairobi, Kenya

This is the song that I've kickstarted this new year, 2024 with.

It has given me a clearer vision, the words, so deeper.

I hope by the end of the year, it'll be wothy it all.

Chrys Ugo Ajoku

Port Harcourt, Rivers, Nigeria

So, I sang this song in a Youth Leaders' retreat sometime in 2020 and it felt like I've never come close to these words before.

They still rang a new in my heart with heavy meanings each time I hear and join in singing it.

May God keep this revival fire aglow in my and our hearts. Amen

Karen Williams-Knight


One thing I'm certain of is that when God desires to fix the areas of your life that doesn't match up to His standard He does it in the calmest of ways as a Shepherd to a lamb. Sometime in November of last year I heard this song in my sleep, this happens every now and again as He uses songs to encourage or to wake me for personal devotion, but the strange thing is I've not heard this song since I was a little girl, so I know it's Him showing up, that He's gonna cleanse me, be it by water or by fire.

Andre Campbell

Green Island, Hanover, Jamaica

This is such a beautiful piece. The words are powerful.

Marcia Burton Gooden

Rosedale, NY, United States

Father God, please let every form of sin die out in me, wash me thou without within. I just want to live for you God, I can only do all things through Christ who strengthens me. 🙏🙏🙏

Robert Mannings

This is one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard, we sang it alot especially in the Lord's supper or communion it has been a very soul searching song , and I thank God for the writer, the inspiration and the abedience in listening to the voice of God, and do exactly what he says, God bless.

Cheryl Billingy

Far Rockaway, New York, United States

I love this song. It is one of my very favorites because it is my heart's desire that God would die out sin in my life so that I could live for Him and Jesus takes first place.

Sydney Hapenga

Lusaka, Zambia

This brings my soul closer to the heart of God as it tells me of how I need to be nearer to my saviour

Yvonneh Downer

Fort Lauderdale, United States

To my great delight this song was brought to my knowledge last night. I can't bely l am just getting to know it. Thanks be to my dearest sister in Christ Darnett who told me about it. The words speak volume to my weary heart.