Live Thyself, Lord Jesus, through me

B232 C304 CB403 D403 E403 G403 K304 LSM91 R286 S177 T403
Live Thyself, Lord Jesus, through me,
  For my very life art Thou;
Thee I take to all my problems
  As the full solution now.
Live Thyself, Lord Jesus, through me,
  In all things Thy will be done;
I but a transparent vessel
  To make visible the Son.
Consecrated is Thy temple,
  Purged from every stain and sin;
May Thy flame of glory now be
  Manifested from within.
Let the earth in solemn wonder
  See my body willingly
Offered as Thy slave obedient,
  Energized alone by Thee.
Every moment, every member,
  Girded, waiting Thy command;
Underneath the yoke to labor
  Or be laid aside as planned.
When restricted in pursuing,
  No disquiet will beset;
Underneath Thy faithful dealing
  Not a murmur or regret.
Ever tender, quiet, restful,
  Inclinations put away,
That Thou may for me choose freely
  As Thy finger points the way.
Live Thyself, Lord Jesus, through me,
  For my very life art Thou;
Thee I take to all my problems
  As the full solution now.

Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

Every moment, every member,

Girded, waiting Thy command;

Underneath the yoke to labor

Or be laid aside as planned.

When restricted in pursuing,

No disquiet will beset;

Underneath Thy faithful dealing

Not a murmur or regret.



Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Praise the Lord for the church in Cape Town😊

Sandra James

Brampton, Ontario, Canada

Jesus died on the cruel cross in the likeness of a serpent for this very purpose; That the serpentine nature in us may be dealt with, and the God Man Jesus may be lived out from those who believe, receive, and experience this mystery...

Allen In Christ


Laid Aside. Why? ” Spurgeon answered his own question by concluding that such times are “the surest way to teach us that we are not necessary to God’s work, and that when we are most useful He can easily do without us. ”

Will Robertson

Roswell, Georgia, United States

I love this hymn SO MUCH! These words express wonderfully what I desperately long for.

Years ago one of our elders called for the singing of this hymn, and he suggested we sing it to the tune of "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" (hymn #319) -- and I was so touched and released that ever since, I've always sung it to myself using that variation.

Victor Olusegun Solomon

London, United Kingdom

Thank You Lord for this beautiful song. I love singing it with You and to You. The first few lines convey the feeling in my mingled Sspirit. Live thyself Lord Jesus through me for my very life art thou, Oh Lord gain this living in me today and everyday to be built up with every member of Your Body locally and Universally.


Stuttgart, Germany

Underneath Thy faithful dealing, not a murmur or regret!



Ever tender, quiet, restful,

Inclinations put away,

That Thou may for me choose freely

As Thy finger points the way.

Live Thyself, Lord Jesus, through me,

For my very life art Thou;

Thee I take to all my problems

As the full solution now.


Hyderabad, Telangana, India

Lord, You are the solution to all my problems. Cause me to learn to take You as the unique solution to all my problems.

Tina Cerda

Ft Worth, TX, United States

When restricted in pursuing, no disquiet will beset. Underneath Thy faithful dealing, not a murmur or regret. Amen.

In general, as long as people are not saying anything wrong or not saying something negative about other people, they speak whenever it pleases them. However, because we enjoy the Lord as life, we should return to our spirit and speak in our spirit whenever we speak. A person might lose his temper if his wife or a classmate makes him angry. If it would be embarrassing to lose his temper in a particular environment, he may exercise control but lose his temper later. What should we do if we are about to lose our temper, since we have Christ as life and enjoy Him as life? We should not lift up our eyes to heaven and say, "O Lord Jesus, if You want me to lose my temper, I will lose my temper, but if You do not want me to lose my temper, I will not lose my temper." Instead, we should turn to our spirit and touch the feeling in our spirit by fellow-shipping with the Lord, and say, "I am about to lose my temper, but what are You doing?" Stanza 1 of Hymns, #403 says, "Live Thyself, Lord Jesus, through me, / For my very life art Thou; / Thee I take to all my problems / As the full solution now." Whether or not we lose our temper is not for us to decide; the Lord Jesus should be our answer. If after asking Him in this way He is silent within us, we will not have any temper to lose. We can even ask Him if He wants to lose His temper. If we fellowship with Him in this way, we will have no strength to lose our temper. This is not a joke. This is the testimony of many believers. This is the way for us to enjoy the Lord as life.

God desires that Christ be expressed through human life. We see this in [Colossians] 3:18—4:1, a sister passage to Ephesians 5:22—6:9, regarding the believers' ethical relationships. In Ephesians the emphasis is on the need of spirit-filled ethical relationships for the expression of the Body in the normal church life. In Colossians the emphasis is that we should hold Christ as our Head and take Him as our life by having His rich word dwelling in us, that the highest ethical relationships, issuing not from our natural life but from Christ as our life, may be realized for His expression.

If we live in union with Christ, Christ will be expressed through our humanity. Christ is to he expressed in the human life, not in the angelic life. Angels cannot express Christ. The Father has ordained that we, His chosen ones, be the expression of His Son. "Live Thyself, Lord Jesus, through me," should be our prayer (see Hymns #403).

This hymn tells us that Christ is concealed within us, waiting to be manifested.

Even though Christ is concealed within us, this hidden glory cannot always remain covered and sometimes becomes manifest openly. I know that some parents are against their children's becoming Christians, especially in the Chinese families that accept the ideologies of Confucius and Mencius. Such parents always think that when their children believe in Jesus, they are believing in a foreign religion, which is not a glory but a shame to their ancestors for three generations. This is why parents oppose their children's believing in the Lord Jesus. Among the brothers and sisters here today, there is one who believed in the Lord and was saved under such a circumstance. This brother was saved in junior high school. Before he was saved, he was a naughty teenager, but after getting saved, his living changed completely. When people scolded him, he remained pleasant. His parents would beat him for believing in the Lord, but he would go meekly into his bedroom to kneel by his bed and pray to the Lord. Time after time, day after day the Lord Jesus would manifest His glory in this previously naughty teenager. His parents were so touched that eventually they also believed in the Lord. Many parents oppose when their children first believe in the Lord, but eventually they end up believing in the Lord also. Hallelujah! It is hard to find a family in which the parents do not follow their children to believe in the Lord. Everyone who is genuinely saved has the glory of the Lord Jesus manifested in him; this means that the invisible God is expressed through him.

Piano Hymns