At Calvary

Years I spent in vanity and pride,
Caring not my Lord was crucified,
Knowing not it was for me He died
  On Calvary.
  Mercy there was great, and grace was free;
Pardon there was multiplied to me;
There my burdened soul found liberty,
    At Calvary.
By God’s Word at last my sin I learned;
Then I trembled at the law I’d spurned,
Till my guilty soul imploring turned
  To Calvary.
Now I’ve giv’n to Jesus everything,
Now I gladly own Him as my King,
Now my raptured soul can only sing
  Of Calvary.
Oh, the love that drew salvation’s plan!
Oh, the grace that brought it down to man!
Oh, the mighty gulf that God did span
  At Calvary!
Steve Miller

Detroit, MIchigan, United States

Dr. R. A. Torrey on one occasion told the following touching story. He had received a letter from a broken-hearted Presbyterian minister who asked him to take his son into the seminary as a student. This son, he explained, had become obsessed with the thought that he was beyond redemption. Dr. Torrey told the father that although he sympathized with him, he did not feel a Bible School was the place for a young man in this condition. Their purpose was to train young men for the ministry, and it was important that young men know Christ as personal Savior before they entered training.

However, the friend continued to plead for his son, and finally Dr. Torrey wrote, "Send him along". The young man arrived and was eventually shown in to Dr. Torrey's office. Dr. Torrey opened a conversation, but the young man, completely despondent, could only hang his head and say, "I am possessed with the devil." Dr. Torrey replied, "I think quite likely you are, but Christ is able to cast out devils." The young man argued for some time that his case was hopeless.

Several weeks passed by and the young man had occasion again to be in Dr. Torrey's office. Still despondent, he again stated that his case was hopeless. Dr. Torrey said, "Young man, do you believe the Bible?" He responded, "Yes, I believe every word of the Bible." "Do you believe John 6:37, 'Him that comes unto Me I will in no wise cast out'?" "Yes", was the reply, "but I have committed the unpardonable sin". "The Scripture does not say, 'He that has not committed the unpardonable sin, and comes unto Me, I will in no wise cast out'." Then the young man, still spiritually blind, declared that God could not save him because he was possessed with the devil. Again Dr. Torrey presented John 6:37 and said, "This scripture is the word of Jesus Himself, and He does not say, 'Him that is not possessed with the devil, and comes unto me, I will in no wise cast out'."

Dr Torrey said, "Now, will you come? Stop your nonsense and kneel down." The young man knelt and Dr. Torrey told him to follow him thus in prayer: "Dear Jesus, my heart is hard as a millstone." He repeated it and the following: "But You have said in Your Word, 'Him that comes unto Me I will in no wise cast out'. I believe this statement of Yours. Though I don't feel it, I believe You have received me." When they had finished this prayer, Dr. Torrey asked, "Did you really mean it, did you come?" He replied, "I did". "What then must He have done?" "He must have received me."

Dr. Torrey then sent the young man to his room with the advice that whenever the devil tempted him to doubt God's Word, he was to meet him with John 6:37 and to stand firm on the fact that he came to Christ the Savior, who, true to His Word, received him. This he did, and as time went by the Lord gave him real joy and assurance in believing.

After many years of faithful service as a minister of the Gospel, this young man, Rev. William R. Newell, wrote this lovely hymn and moving testimony. - 'More Living Hymn Stories' by Wilbur Konkel


PA, United States

Are not verses 3 & 4 out of order?

Clement Ayo

Ughelli, Delta, Nigeria

This is the song through which the message of salvation was preached to me and I gave my life and my love to Jesus Christ. I always recall the topic of the message and this song. Thank You Jesus.

Beny Anthony

Houston, Texas, United States

Knowing not that it was for me He died...Thank God He told I have no excuse. He said His people perish for lack of knowledge...I thank Him for Him Mercy o! Lovyeah Adonai. Thank You Lord for the person that scripted this lyrics.


Billings, Montana, United States

Love this old hymn~ O the love that drew salvations plan! :)


Rome, GA, United States

From Cincinnati ❤️ This old hymn made me cry!!! Thank You Jesus for dying for me❣


Cincinnati, OH, United States

I love this song. I remember sitting in church and God spoke to me, telling me that many as sat in Church not taking Him serious and finally came to the conclusion of their lives that this song brought them to reality that it is not just for those outside the Chirch but, inside as well. Taking God serious is living for eternity, hallelujah!


Luton, Bedford, United Kingdom

Divinely inspired lyrics, sang it for the first time in a gathering of disciples. Oh, indeed mercy there was great and grace was free at Calvary. Thank You Jesus for the cross. I have Christ because of Calvary. 💃💃💃💃💃

Muyiwa Lawrence Adedara

Kiel, Germany

What a great, old hymn missing in most churches today. As I listen to it now at past 2.00 am, I feel this deep desire for JESUS and long to witness Him to lost multitudes. Mercy there was great and grace was free! Hallelujah!

Jean Patience

Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

All was accomplished for me there... Thank You Jesus-Christ for Your Sacrifice...

Piano Hymns